can anyone give me a report on my plants?

hey guys im a new grower as some of you may know.

im growing a few purple kush plants and i was woundering if someone could tell me if these two are looking healthy?

They are both purple kush, placed in miracle-gro seed starting soil. they are growing in my home made grow cabinet, they each are under their own 150 watt 6500k CFL bulb kept about 1'' from the plants and it doesnt seem to hurt them, the room is kept at about 78-80F most the time and 36-38% humidity.

The first gurl is on day 6 and not to big, she has just been feed tap water left out for a couple days, as you see in the pictures the roots are starting to come out of the bottem does this mean i should transplant asap? also its seems a little dark in the middle of the plant but idk...

IMG_3338.jpgIMG_3340.jpg IMG_3339.jpgIMG_3340.jpg

The second one is watered the same and is only a day younger then the first one.


Anyone comments or concerns so i make sure these guys grow good would help alot, thanx:weed:



Active Member
Personally if it's already starting to root out of the pot I'd be trans planting you want them to grow big and not for them to be trying to grow just to that pot, the longer they get the more they'll branch off and grow big! though if you could get a side view that'd be awesome, like to see how low those leafs are dipping and if the tips are curling! Also 1" that's pretty close put your hand above your babies and see if theres a lot of heat over them, you don't want them getting burnt!

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Absolutely perfect. At about day 8-12 transplant.

GET THAT HUMIDITY UP. Need at least 40-50% in veg, you should have 60-70% in early veg. But shoot for 50% all the way through. Last 2 weeks of flower 35% would be great but not until then.
Great, thanx alot everyone I will transplant today! Also under the leafs are purple already i just noticed this last night? I will add pictures if someone requests them but yea is it turning purple because its purple kush or is this somethin to be watching for? Also should I start adding nutrients 20-20-20 all purpose yet? Or wait intel leaf tips turn a little yellow?


Well-Known Member
Great, thanx alot everyone I will transplant today! Also under the leafs are purple already i just noticed this last night? I will add pictures if someone requests them but yea is it turning purple because its purple kush or is this somethin to be watching for? Also should I start adding nutrients 20-20-20 all purpose yet? Or wait intel leaf tips turn a little yellow?
It's perfectly normal for the stem and leaf veins to look purple at seedling stage, it's just a genetic thing. It's when the plant gets bigger purple branches/stems can be a sign of phosphorus or zinc deficiency.