Can Anyone Explain?


Well-Known Member
Its just the skin of the inside of the seed has gone hard and stuck on your leaf.
It it gos really hard and fails to fall off within the next few days i would take a pin and very very carefully remove it without stabbing the actual leaf though:blsmoke:


Active Member
dont know what to do with this one.. it seems to be an inch to two inches taller then the rest, just falls right over, leaves still move toward light but will not move off the ground.... help?



Well-Known Member
That's a healthy plant, you just need to tie it up with some dental floss or another soft string to a prop, like a stick or a rod of hangar. Eventually it'll get a strong stem, strong enough to support itself that you can remove the tying. Make sure you don't tye it too tie, just adequate enough for the plant to remain upright, even slightly loose is good. It stretched like that cause the light was too far away, or not strong enough.


Well-Known Member
on the first set of pics just scrape the old seed casing off, and it looks like you mabye over/under watering. Second set of pics plant is still viable but there is some major stretching so you should move the light alot closer if you are using cfl 1-2 inches away is good. also prop it up with a paperclip or q-tip good luck