Well-Known Member
W99 (bagseed)
Organic raised bed mix
1.75g pot
300W Galaxy Hydro LED
12/12 from seed
27 days old
No feedings what so ever except for one dose of epsom salt (a pinch to a gallon) and a week or so after that i gave a teaspoon of blackstrap (per gallon)
Calcium def? I dont really have any nutes besides the molasses and epsom salt but I do have some coming in the mail soon, megacrop. I think shes hungry but im trying to keep this organic and I thought the soil would have enough nutes in it to last the plant longer but I guess not.
Suggestions? Thanks.
W99 (bagseed)
Organic raised bed mix
1.75g pot
300W Galaxy Hydro LED
12/12 from seed
27 days old
No feedings what so ever except for one dose of epsom salt (a pinch to a gallon) and a week or so after that i gave a teaspoon of blackstrap (per gallon)
Calcium def? I dont really have any nutes besides the molasses and epsom salt but I do have some coming in the mail soon, megacrop. I think shes hungry but im trying to keep this organic and I thought the soil would have enough nutes in it to last the plant longer but I guess not.
Suggestions? Thanks.
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