can anybody help?

hi everyone i want to gro 1 plant iin my closet for my own personall use and i was hoping somebody could tel me the cheapest way to accomplish this thanks any help wud b great


Well-Known Member
what size is your closet and how much cash do you have. the cheapest lights to buy and run are cfl's the best are hps/mh. is smell an issue? how big a plant are looking for? do want to go hydro or soil? give as a little idea what your wanting to achieve and how much you can afford buddy.
:mrgreen:smel isnt an issue i have my own home my closset is walkin so it has plenty of room cash isnt a big deal either im kinda cheap tho lol my friend is giving my sm of his clones so ima work with what he has ak i think i wanna keep it simple so soil most likely and all i really want out of it is a personally supply to save sm money iv been smokin fr about 15 years and im starting to spend more mony on weed than i shd haha i wanna figure out wat i need to buy n where that wud save a lil money i askd at home depot n all i gt was a funny look and a simple let me get the manger fr u as a reply lol jkn:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if its only one plant then u could go with a 150watt hps light. get a 3 or 5 gallon pot, the bigger the better. ur gonna need a small fan to give them a continuous breeze. this helps in two main ways, the breeze makes the plant stem thicken thru resistance, like lifting weights at the gym, this is important to give the plant the strength it'll nee later to support bud, the other main reason is that it keeps the chances of mold, mildew and pest infestation as it means that air is constanly moving and basically freshening the area; it also helps reduce heat meaning you can get your buld closer to the plant canopy thereby reducing unnecessary stretching. if smell does become an issue you either mask it with air-fresheners, like 'ona-gel' or you remove it with carbon filters. i know you mentioned that smell wont affect you but trust me on this half way thru flower these bastards can stink out your entire home and down your street, it'll stick to your clothes and soft furnishings. any1 comin WILL notice and you wont as you become a bit immune to it, youll be standing in a shop at sum point gettin real funny looks from people! your gonna need to buy soil and nutes. depending where you are you've got a huge variety, lotta yanks like the Fox Farm stuff(just google it) im in the u>K so i use different stuff, im actually doing a soil and dwc grwo. dwc hydro is faster but you've gota watch it more carefully as mistakes can quickly fuck your plants up. soil in my opinion is the best way for a begginer to learn, do it a cpl of times until your confident and then try fuckin around a bit. thats how we all learned. any more info just ask.