Can anyboby help? not nute burn ,need experienced growers


Active Member
Hi guys im in week one of flower, I havnt given them any nutes yet at all but before week one of flower they started to go a bit yellow and brown. Ph is 6.5 tap water left overnight and temps are never higher than 72F, humidity is about 50%. Im going to give them their first feed of iguana juice bloom at 3 teaspoons per gallon tonight. Any suggestions on what it is and what to do about it? Any and all help is greatly appreciated thanks.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
hungry and maybe even a little thirsty, i forgot to water my plants for a few days and had some lower leaves crumple up and dry out from that. just a thought, good luck bro other than that plants look GREAT!! GRATS!


Active Member
Yeah I was maybe thinking they needed a feeding as all they hav gotten anything but water so far. I was going to start them on bloom mutes tonight but I'll give them a good feeding of iguana juice grow.Thanks alot everybody, really and for being so quick to reply.