Can Any1 tell by these pics wether this is Male or Female..


Active Member
also could you guys link me to some good pics to use as reference, my plants are stunted bcuz of lighting problems (fixed a new grow room today) and this is my first grow so im having trouble telln if they're male of female..they're two months old or less in the case of 2 of em.......



Well-Known Member
Looks to early to tell man patience,

though the second could have a possible pistil just next to the new growth. ???

I assume they are on 12/12 right?

How long have they been flowering?



Active Member
well thats the problem man, u actually answered my post yesterday...they were very stunted bcuz of a lot of crap that i have just fixed over the last two told me i shouldnt switch to 12,12 yet so i could give them time to Veg more under my more approprate lighting, etc...hold on ill post a pic of my not done till tomrrow grow room...


Active Member
ok heres the deal, 150w HPS has been my main lite with about 200 w of flouresent...they were way too far away b4 and i over watered (im new at this)

today i installed a 170w Mercury Vapor and bought a 400 watt HPS bulb to replace the 150w
i moved all the platns out of the old cabinite and into a closet, placed the lights better and added the new stuff minus the 400w bulb which i wil b switching in the mornin cuz i left it in my dads car...


Active Member
ok heres the deal, 150w HPS has been my main lite with about 200 w of flouresent...they were way too far away b4 and i over watered (im new at this)

today i installed a 170w Mercury Vapor and bought a 400 watt HPS bulb to replace the 150w
i moved all the platns out of the old cabinite and into a closet, placed the lights better and added the new stuff minus the 400w bulb which i wil b switching in the mornin cuz i left it in my dads car...



Active Member
naww like i said they got fucked up bcuz of multiple reasons , and i just fixed those conditions, so i still havnt switched to 12 12 yet ...their 2 fukn months old!!!


Well-Known Member
ok then ya they are too young to tell, sex doesn't start to show until the plant starts to flower.