Can Any1 Take 5mins Two help me Thanks


New Member
hello everyone just wanted to ask couple of qestions if anyone could help..

a friend of mine gave me so chemicals and a guide, its called floraseries I have floragro, florabloom and floramicro.. then also have rhizotonic,boost accelerator,ace of buds n another one gnatoh, if someone wouldn't mind taking ten mins to help me out.. when do I use them? and it says on the floraseries guide 10ml to 10l water do I fed them everyday and I don't have 10l water pot would a 2l walterpot do and 2ml of chemicals... also I don't have a guide for the other 4 bottles? could some one please help many thanks


Well-Known Member
I would recommend you buy a book on how to grow MJ and read it. Please don't take that as a dodge to your questions, they are simply overly broad in nature and suggest you need to learn about the basics first.


New Member
what you on about Robert why post a complete pointless post? I asked for some advice not much isit.. everyone have to learn somewhere..


New Member
bugeye I used to be on here a few years ago under the name sambob21 but since lost my password.. I have grown befor but never with these chemicals.. and like I say 4 bottles don't have a guide or owt just abit of advice would be great off anyone. thanks


Active Member
Wait until the plants are six inches or a foot tall to start fertilizing, try one fertilizer at time before mixing them.
If there is a nursery near you ask someone there, you don't have to say what kind of plants they are for. You could grow it without any fertilizers at all, and it might turn out great.
If you can really get something going, people will want to help.


Active Member
roots orgaic master pack is about 40 bucks for a taste of most of there products and it comes with easy to follow chart for fertilizing right from seedling on great for beginers

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Just inch your way forward. .when they are old enough and in need feed them once every two weeks and up the feeding schedule when you get the hang of it.


Well-Known Member
Google floragrow feeding schedule and you'll find what you need. Feed mature plants once weekly and small plants a weaker rate so they don't burn. As a rule never feed seedlings. Wait until they're about 3-4 weeks old. Lemme know if u need anything else.


New Member
thanks for the coments people this is my plant only have the one.. I was growing under 400watt hp but my bottom leafs started to burn.. so changed bulb to my 250watt.. it is lookig really nice the spacing is great and not stretching.. just need to no what to do with these chemicals and if two give It them. I cant upload photos to this site for some reason but ive uploaded them to tinypic
here are the pictures please click the link


Thanks again



New Member
I do have instructions for the flora but not the other ones, and don't no when two use the others also havnt feed my plant anything thanks

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Your plant looks great! My advice on fertilizer is use the minimum amount needed. You'll have to pull up the specks and do a little studying.


New Member
bird McBride thankyou very much, I do do a lot of research I love reading the grow journals its nice to no im on the right track I will keep this treat updated with my progress, once again thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
before useing any nutes check to see how old they are,and im sure if you google the name ya should get some kinda feed back,i would never answer a question on something i have never used sorry dude
You can get the usage for the canna products here

I would not recommend any of those products but since they are free use them carefully. The flora stuff mixed at equal parts is 7-6-7, not really an ideal ratio but it is at least balanced. The bloom schedule looks a bit lopsided and heavy on the P&K but you should be ok following it (12-16-20), nothing horrible will happen. Just keep those numbers in mind if you decide to add the boost (0-1-1). I wouldn't bother since you are already high in P&K with the Flora. The Rhizo has basically nothing to worry about in it so use it as suggested and then toss it or just toss it. Naturally you are free to keep using those products after you run out, but since several of the nutrient companies don't bother telling you the pesky things like the guaranteed analysis and instead rely on marketing words like "bloom" and "super" while obscuring what is actually in the bottle I would advise you to look at a more pedestrian fertilizer which grows all plants without hype