can any one tell me whats wrong with my plants


Well-Known Member
yes the pics that were taken was at 6 am today and its been 4 days with out watering of any type. soil is dry to the touch and if you plung your finger into the soil it feels dry. and if you do the same to the bottom of the pot in the drain holes its dry as a bone. i included a pic of the soil that im using and also above that there's a break down of what i used to make the soil.

it just seems that the longer i wait to water the worse they get. the plant smells awsome a nice skunkie smell and the bud shots that ive put up look nice and green and healthy.

i went down to my local grow shop and they said maybe a calcium problem???


Well-Known Member
It sure looks like a PH problem to me. Maybe try using a different PH tester and PH your soil again too. It doesn't look like a calcium problem to me but others with probably a lot more experiece than me might have a different opinion. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i think that ill try and lower my soil ph run off to 6.0 and see how that works.

im useing citric acid to adjust ph could this have any thin to do with my current problem??????


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
that i could not tell you, but i would buy the wright ph up an dow kit so you no its right.


Well-Known Member
i got the citric acid at a hydro shop, its suppose to be the same as reg ph down. but ive had my doubts but havent had many problems when i grew hydro. it just seemed that i had to test and adjust every two days insted of settnig it once and leaveing it alone like most ph products at first i didnt mind but it got to be a pain and bothersome because there was no real way to say ok i need a tablespoon. the directions basicly said to add in teaspoon incraments to get the ph that you want. a bit confusing but i got the hang of it after a bit. and since i check ph every day when hydro. it got easyer but anyhow.
i check the ph before i water and also check the run off in the soil. (comes out a perfict 7 every time ) im useing general hydro. ph test kit with the lil drop things. and it turns a color.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
7 not that bad . if you have a soil with no fertz. in it and you ph before you feed the you willhold that ph leavle you start out at. ex.i ph before i feed at 6.5 and i feed every 3 days with no waterings in between. i check my run out every 3rd week by watering with ph'ed water and checking the run out. it stays at 6.5 all the time. i to use the same ph test kit.


Well-Known Member
7 not that bad . if you have a soil with no fertz. in it and you ph before you feed the you willhold that ph leavle you start out at. ex.i ph before i feed at 6.5 and i feed every 3 days with no waterings in between. i check my run out every 3rd week by watering with ph'ed water and checking the run out. it stays at 6.5 all the time. i to use the same ph test kit.
i basicly ph run off to make shure im not missing anything when i feed. maybe its just a hope of a slap in the back of the head that something is going to pop out and say hey this is your problem. but since this is real life i guess that i shouldnt smoke to much and play dr. to my sick plants.

could it be a mineral defishancy i am noticing that some of the bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow on the out sides of the leaves and the leaves are straight. ill try and get a pic tommarow


Well-Known Member
That last pic sure looks like a PH problem to me. What kinda soil are you using? Might be nutrients being locked out now. So I would test the soil or maybe just use some different soil and replant.

Thanks for the rep too.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i basicly ph run off to make shure im not missing anything when i feed. maybe its just a hope of a slap in the back of the head that something is going to pop out and say hey this is your problem. but since this is real life i guess that i shouldnt smoke to much and play dr. to my sick plants.

could it be a mineral defishancy i am noticing that some of the bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow on the out sides of the leaves and the leaves are straight. ill try and get a pic tommarow
you check the runoff to make sure you don'thave a buildup at the roots, if you do that is what makes a plant slow or stopgrowing.good luck:leaf:


Well-Known Member
yesterday i trimmed some of the real bad looking leaves and a lite pruning to expose some nice forming buds, and the plant is looking a bit more healthy. its been three days without water now and things are looking dry the last watering had nutes added. so this time im going to give a lite watering plane water ph at 6.0


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yesterday i trimmed some of the real bad looking leaves and a lite pruning to expose some nice forming buds, and the plant is looking a bit more healthy. its been three days without water now and things are looking dry the last watering had nutes added. so this time im going to give a lite watering plane water ph at 6.0
when youdo check the phin your runout.


Well-Known Member
the plants are looking better now still a bit curled but the color and texture of the leaves is looking tons better.
today i added 630ml water and tied the main stem/cola down and tied the secondary stems pulled them down a bit to get more lite and to catch up to the cola.
i didnt get to check the run off ph because there was no run off , and i also noticed the soil got really muddy looking after it soaked in. and decided to cut the amount of water than i would do before. the next watering i will be adding nutes and will check the run off then . ill have some updated pics tomarrow.