can any body help

ive got a 7ft high x 2ft wide x 4ft depth room what light should i use ive got 2x 250 hps a400 hps and a 600hps and all my room is insulated with poly board and siver i dont want to burn my plants but want a good harvest any ideas any one:?:
ive got a 7ft high x 2ft wide x 4ft depth room what light should i use ive got 2x 250 hps a400 hps and a 600hps and all my room is insulated with poly board and siver i dont want to burn my plants but want a good harvest any ideas any one:?:
i almost forgot has any one exrtacted in to a loft/attic before if so what happened


Well-Known Member
get a cool tube or vented reflector and try the 600. if its still to hot, drop down to the 400.
when venting into an attic,watch for moisture buildup.if the attic is properly vented,you won't have an issue
get a cool tube or vented reflector and try the 600. if its still to hot, drop down to the 400.
when venting into an attic,watch for moisture buildup.if the attic is properly vented,you won't have an issue
thanks for that but the thing is that im on a budjet ive put the 250 in for now but now its geting a bit hot ive got exraction so i think it might be my intake ive got a 4in hole in the bottom of the poly board about 1in gap then a door with a quater inch at the bottom with my extractor venting from the top ive tryed computer fans in the holes but the keep burning out


Well-Known Member
if you're having trouble cooling a 250 you probably won't be able to put a larger light with your budget. that said, you'll do pretty good with a 250 in your space.

as for cooling, check your seal on the extraction fan


Well-Known Member

"has any one exrtacted in to a loft/attic before if so what happened"

Exrtacted? I looked it up in a dictionary so I wouldn't look too stupid if it was a word. ;) Extracted air to the attic? Grown in the attic?

I grow in my attic and duct the filtered air from my garden (high in oxygen) to my heating system in the winter and outside in the summer. Keeps things cool in summer and warmer in winter and the low pressure in the attic sucks the air we breath from the house up to the attic - more CO2 for the plants.


As for the lights - go with the 600 Watt and suck the air out of the ceiling of your grow room, it'll keep things cool enough in winter, summer might be hotter. You've got 2'x4'= 8'sq x 50 watts/square foot = 400 watt minimum, but you have 4' to travel and a 400 watt will be too weak on the edges.

The two 250s would cover but you get so little penetration your production will be lessened. Think about taking two measuring cups with 250 ml of water in each - each are held 250 mm (~10") above sand and the water poured in - the depth of the hole the water makes in the sand is the penetration through your canopy. There will be two relatively shallow holes.

Then take 600 ml of water and pour it into sand from 600 mm (~24") - the depth is the penetration that you will get through your canopy. A much deeper hole.

Not exact analogies but that's the general idea - you're not just looking to cover a 2 dimensional area but a 3 dimensional rectangular prism. I believe the term for light intensity is radiant flux.




Well-Known Member

"i think it might be my intake ive got a 4in hole in the bottom of the poly board about 1in gap then a door with a quater inch at the bottom with my extractor venting from the top ive tryed computer fans in the holes but the keep burning out"

What are you using for an extraction fan? Computer fans only? If so you would need the entire roof covered in them to get enough air out.

If you can't afford a Vortex fan ... you'll need more square inches of air-in holes than air-out. You may be able to blow air into your room to help the extraction fans.

A chimney effect may draw more air from your grow room - if you have ducting coming up into the attic from the grow room have a fan (horizontal) blow perpendicular to the ducting (vertical), blowing just over the top of the ducting. Cupalos for melting iron work on this principal to draw more air into the fire.

Think about some type of air floor and bring the air in below, but with most of the holes in a circle below the light to draw the hottest air up. Like having a small fan turned up towards the light while it's on.


What are you using for an extraction fan? Computer fans only? If so you would need the entire roof covered in them to get enough air out.

im using a 4in inline fan for exraction the inlet floor idea is a good idea im going to look in to that thanks for that