Can a young female look male???


Active Member
I have 2 plants one almost 30 and the other around 12in. They are only 2 weeks into flower but as of now they are looking male. Im seeing around the nodes tiny stems with ball/oval shapped sacs on the ends, are these males or should I wait another week or so and see if it is indeed females after some maturity in flowering?


Well-Known Member
You usually can tell right off... Ball sack definately a male, but waiting wont hurt, especially if both a looking the same way. Those are male unless you have some hermies, do you see hair anywhere or just balls?? Yea give it another week or so...

Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
it sounds like a male
pics would help and you should wait about 1-2 weeks before destroying to make sure...


Active Member
Ya sorry guys my digital camera is acting up. But anyways after looking closer I saw some more stuff. At the very top of the plant Im seeing these same ball/oval sacs but with what does look like little hairs all around, however, Im not sure if they are actual hairs or new leaves that are very young and looks like hairs, they are green appearing? I always thought female hairs were yellow/white. Are hairs green looking when extremly young?

Also, I am seeing these many tiny sacs with very tiny tiny hair like objects from the end of these sacs. Some of the sacs are appearing to crack open as well?

So what do you all think???
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, sounds like a male. Check this out tho, I had plants that had clearly showed white hairs, after about a week into flowering. But there were two that had some more ballish looking pistils, as well as the two distinct white hairs of girls. So, I thought there were hermie, but they turned out to just be swollen calyxes, that spit out a half orange, half white hair. So, I took one out right away cuz I aint want it to spoil my definite girls. But it's outside and the same thing happened. They were just swollen calyxes. A friend of mine told me that happens sometimes. But sorry to hear about the boy.