Can a person smoke pot and stay away from Meth?

To0 Much Dr0

Well-Known Member
meth isnt that bad it makes you feel amazing you should try it its not addictive at all but if you do it do it with crack it makes the high like 500 times better...

is this a serious question... for real how stupid are you dont do meth you can smoke weed all day everyday and never do meth



Well-Known Member
i used to smoke meth chroniclly all 4 years of high school, then i graduated, and stopped completely its been like 4 years clean, but i smoke bud like a mofo.
You have to have a gateway brain...I met the PIN and liked it...liked it so much I lost my house, job, girl, friend's..............all. Then my gateway brain said screw
this...................and I stopped just like that..........20 yrs. ago


Well-Known Member
Don't, please. You're talking about someone who is a moment of pleasure and mile of pain, not someone to whom you're committed.

How so? I make an observation, which you certainly can't deny, and then go on to state my own position. I make no judgments on anyone else, even though I happen to disagree with the mindset that would put an object over something like family, health, or loved ones. I know people who must use <insert your drug of choice here> no matter the consequences, no matter the harm it brings not only to themselves (which I think anyone has a right to, you can kill yourself any way you see fit, as long as you don't cost ME), but to the ones they ostensibly love. I fail completely to see how that qualifies as pretentious. Of course, maybe it's just me. Or... maybe your definition of pretentious is different from mine. :|

My apologies, I suppose you are right. I your post last night and was blazed out my skull. I re-read it today and I guess you weren't really saying what I thought you were saying when I read it last night.(pheww that was a mouthful) Anyway, I apologize. I guess I thought you were saying something different.

Yes, I would probably choose family over weed. But I don't plan on becoming old and infirm and hope that I never have to depend on anyone to take care of me. If I ever get to that point I will do everything in my power to murder myself. Lol.


Well-Known Member
My apologies, I suppose you are right. I your post last night and was blazed out my skull. I re-read it today and I guess you weren't really saying what I thought you were saying when I read it last night.(pheww that was a mouthful) Anyway, I apologize. I guess I thought you were saying something different.

Yes, I would probably choose family over weed. But I don't plan on becoming old and infirm and hope that I never have to depend on anyone to take care of me. If I ever get to that point I will do everything in my power to murder myself. Lol.
Don't do that, young people need old people to tell them how to not fuck up. ;) I always planned on getting old, VERY old. I planned on having a cane and I would hit people in the back of their feet with it and bark at 'em to get out of the way.

But, I didn't plan on my body breaking down the way it has. I'm 44yo and the back injury several years ago put a hurtin' on me, but I've dealt with it (thankfully, with a LOT of help from my family). However, the hips going the way they have, and now my knees and I got shin splints for the first time in my life so I had to stop using my treadmill. 'Tis fucked up, but I'm not ready to jump off this mortal coil.

Anyway, no worries, I misunderstand people all the time, and it's often worse when I'm NOT high. :lol: :| That's not all that funny... is it?


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Don't do that, young people need old people to tell them how to not fuck up. ;) I always planned on getting old, VERY old. I planned on having a cane and I would hit people in the back of their feet with it and bark at 'em to get out of the way.

But, I didn't plan on my body breaking down the way it has. I'm 44yo and the back injury several years ago put a hurtin' on me, but I've dealt with it (thankfully, with a LOT of help from my family). However, the hips going the way they have, and now my knees and I got shin splints for the first time in my life so I had to stop using my treadmill. 'Tis fucked up, but I'm not ready to jump off this mortal coil.

Anyway, no worries, I misunderstand people all the time, and it's often worse when I'm NOT high. :lol: :| That's not all that funny... is it?
Them taters cant be helpful on your back like punky brewster:hump: Please dont kill me dave


Well-Known Member
:lol: Dude, I don't think ANYONE has ever called them "taters". :lol:

You're right, they're not helpful for the back, though. :(


Well-Known Member
ive been smoking bud since i was 13 and ive NEVER touched any other drug except for xanax bars but i dont mess with them anymore and i never even think about messing with any drugs(except for weed if you consider it a drug)


Well-Known Member
just pot. no cigs no drink no meth just pot.
I'm happy this way. I don't know what other people do and I don't care


Active Member
Actually I delved into all the the other drugs before i really discovered weed. Weed really doesn't fall into the same realm as drugs such as meth. Meth is a man made poison. Maybe that sounds extreme but it's true. I hit rock bottom with drugs and after being sober for a year I started smoking marijuana habitually. Meth and marijuana don't go hand in hand. Marijuana is medicine. Meth is toxic. Why would you do both? Smoke Herb not Rocks.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Tried different things. If I dont like em I dont do em. If I do like it, I do it occasionally. I get prescription ADHD meds. Theyre way better than meth IMO, because they dont contain battery acid. But I dont do those every day like the doc says. Drugs are for recreation. You cant party constantly. I've always been one who was able to just drop something and not feen for it. Except for pepsi. Must have pepsi.:mrgreen:


Active Member
i almost got addicted to opiates not very long ago when i had a staff infection and the dotor prescribed me quite a bit of vicodin but thankfully i never got addicted to them i really dotn wanna be sick every time im out


Well-Known Member
the only reason why weed is classified as a gateway drug because chances are the people who use it have a much more open attitude than people who don't but weed and the occasional black IS ALL I NEED and i would never touch anything else


Well-Known Member
well its certainly easy to stay away from meth in my town, cause there isnt any :D no labs, no tweakers :D we've got heroin addicts instead, lots and lots of heroin addicts


Active Member
yeah, just weed here, man. no cigs, no nothing. its even hard for me to consider weed as a drug. its natural, a gift from the man himself.:bigjoint:


New Member
well its certainly easy to stay away from meth in my town, cause there isnt any :D no labs, no tweakers :D we've got heroin addicts instead, lots and lots of heroin addicts

Wow, herion addicts, never seen one of those that I can recall. At least not in person.

Im in the midwest, where farmers used to leave anhydrous tanks in the fields for days. Then meth came around. You don't see those tanks sitting around anymore.

Meth users are easy to identify. They sweat out the ammonia that is in the meth so they generally smell like cat piss. They aren't busting the meth labs here like they used to be. I think there is less of it going on now. Scary shit, the meth makers can blow up their lab if they fuck up and it can be a major explosion.

Never had one blow up in my town, but did see the aftermath in another town from a lab explosion. All the neighboring houses got a nice burn from it.

To0 Much Dr0

Well-Known Member
the only reason why weed is classified as a gateway drug because chances are the people who use it have a much more open attitude than people who don't but weed and the occasional black IS ALL I NEED and i would never touch anything else

wine blacks?
those are tasty
i like drugs but nothing hardcore like meth

i do a roxie like 2 times a month and i smoke alot of blunts and a occasional wine black