Can a mini split condenser be installed indoors?

You could cut a hole in your wall and put a window ac with the condenser side in a room you can evacuate the heat out of. Or get a dual hose portable ac and do that
It would also be inefficient to put all the hot air back into another room just to be cooled by the central a/c I already use to cool my house.

My only option is to put the condenser out back but then the HOA will be a pain in my ass about it. They would ask why I need 2 a/c condensers in the back of my house. It would be hard to explain and I don't want to deal with the hassle.

I need to figure this out :???:

just scoff at them and be snooty tell them its for your climate controlled wine tasting room lol ;)
Sometimes you can put in mini splits if you present the project and get approval of the HOA. I wonder if you call it a heater for the basement if you will be able to put it in. When I do HOA installs you usually need to use linehide outside to hide the refrigerant lines that matches the exterior, and sometimes you need to add bushes around the condenser. Are you sure none of your neighbors have one? If you notice one, you are usually OK to just copy what they did, as most of those houses are similar builds.

It isn't a bad idea in the winter to run an A/C inside in a sealed grow as you described as to not lose a/c to outside and save some energy. You need a way to collect and get rid of the condensation though. The heat you would have lost to outside can now be used inside your home, while still allowing a sealed grow. It just sucks needing two setups to do such a setup
What if you built a box around a window then had the ac unit installed into the box.
Obviously you’d have to have a drip tray or catch of some sort to collect the condensation from the window unit but it would work… just a dark window open a little bit.

otherwise you can get a standing unit and then you’re just dealing with the condensation collection and one 6” vent. Vent it to a window or out the side of your house with a dryer damper on the end and you’d never know.
What if you built a box around a window then had the ac unit installed into the box.
Obviously you’d have to have a drip tray or catch of some sort to collect the condensation from the window unit but it would work… just a dark window open a little bit.

otherwise you can get a standing unit and then you’re just dealing with the condensation collection and one 6” vent. Vent it to a window or out the side of your house with a dryer damper on the end and you’d never know.
NB: If you box the A/C unit, you will have to use a “sleeve” air conditioner. (As well as including a drip tray etc…