Can a light get too efficient

Howdid you do this?

I got my room down to abot 30 degrees once (long story)

My plants where toast with ice on my root balls
It was cool to see my nft like a frozen fountain lol

So how did you hit single digits and lower?
I have no idea, but I did. Like, that’s just the area I live in (Northern Appalachian Mountains.) It got so bad those days that I literally woke up under a blanket, in a robe and hat, with the heater on at 4-5am freezing too badly to sleep. It was definitely in the single digits and negatives a few days in January. The Kush genetics might help, since that’s the Fall/Winter climate of Afghanistan. Cold as balls.
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Are you thinking that the cannabis absorptance plots are showing the same as the McCree Absorbance and Action spectrum plots?
Like this:
View attachment 4088406

Notice how the plots you referred to look nothing like the above Absorbance and Action spectrum plots?
View attachment 4088411

In photobiology absorptance shows of the absorbed spectrum that the energy level of the photon (blue has 50% more energy than red) only the number of photons matter and not their energy level.

Notice absorptance vs. absorbance. Those IC plots are actually absorptance not absorbance. Absorptance is the fraction of the absorbance that has an effect on plant photobiology or quantum yield of photosynthesis.
Quantum yield of photosynthesis (Φ) is:
Number of photochemical products ÷ Total number of quanta absorbed​

The data was taken from a study of cannabis reflectance and transmittance for aerial detection of illegal cannabis.
Spectral Discrimination of Cannabis sativa L. Leaves and Canopies, Daughtry and Walthall

I simply do not understand how you can compile the information you do and come to the conclusions that you do. Its amlost like you are trying to seed misinformation by overwhelming with technical dat, alot of it bullshit? I cant figure it out? What is your objective? If you are trying to figure things out that is fine, more power to you, but please, please, stop posting these diatribes that indicate to me you cannot draw a logical conclusion from the information presented.

Give me a reason not to hit the ignore button and if "ISL" is any part of your response, you will not have to worry about hearing from me again.
damn, you didn't take pics of the nft frozen fountain, did you? :bigjoint:
Nah man
I was like HOLY FOOOOK
my poor babies lets just say i.didnt sell any of it

It didnt hurt the buds too much but it froze the outer leaves and gave the bud a shitty taste especially since it was about 2 weeks early :(

My fault for thinking i could go one winter on my roof insulation lmao

But i regret i didnt take a picture of the icicle hanging from the end of the nft setup :oops:
I have no idea, but I did. Like, that’s just the area I live in (Northern Appalachian Mountains.) It got so bad those days that I literally woke up under a blanket, in a robe and hat, with the heater on at 4-5am freezing too badly to sleep. It was definitely in the single digits and negatives a few days in January. The Kush genetics might help, since that’s the Fall/Winter climate of Afghanistan. Cold as balls.
Sorry bud i know all about cold being in alaska

And water freezes at 30 degrees or so

So im telling you you havent hit single digits cuase your pots would be solid ice.

Might have been very cold but i just cant swallow that one

But im not trying to be rude or anything
I dunno what other people like about the efficiency but if it's so damn efficient that means I could cut back on the total watts used to be the equivalent of the less efficient lights. So if it's 4 times as efficient I'd totally drop down to 250 watts while still getting the output of the old 1000. So I'm not sure how TOO efficient would be a problem. it means you get to save more on power and still get the same results..
But in time he might learn that we probably made the same mistakes of understanding once upon a time.
That's the problem though. He seems able to use Google and find the right information, but without fail he interprets the information incorrectly and comes up with the most wildly ridiculous conclusions. He's really not learning at all.
Missinformation is not necessarily wrong, could just be the conditions of application, the environment, external factors not considered. For those that care ISL applies to a point souce radiation in a vaccum, it is true.

And he's right he is not responsible for me not understanding humanitys social interactions and need to dominate others with their ideals.
I dunno what other people like about the efficiency but if it's so damn efficient that means I could cut back on the total watts used to be the equivalent of the less efficient lights. So if it's 4 times as efficient I'd totally drop down to 250 watts while still getting the output of the old 1000. So I'm not sure how TOO efficient would be a problem. it means you get to save more on power and still get the same results..
Apart from lighting the plants most of us also need/want some heat to heat up the room to somewhere between 26C or 32C. It can be difficult at times to get the air that warm when using leds.
Sometimes people take it personal... But in time he might learn that we probably made the same mistakes of understanding once upon a time.
There is no probably about it NASA did alot of whats been suggested and came to the same conclusion, you need more than blue and red to have a healthy plant. There is a difference effeciency and efficacy.
Sorry bud i know all about cold being in alaska

And water freezes at 30 degrees or so

So im telling you you havent hit single digits cuase your pots would be solid ice.

Might have been very cold but i just cant swallow that one

But im not trying to be rude or anything
It’s cool, you don’t have to believe me, I suppose. By the way, Fort Drum, NY gets colder than Alaska. Alaska’s not necessarily the end-all, be-all of cold.