can a HPS veg?


Active Member
you can absolutely veg with a 400w hps i did and mine turned out beautiful. just make sure the light isnt too close. between 10-20 in is average


Active Member
Be aggressive and top them as soon as you can. They will growth tall fast. If you have height restrictions may want to reconsider.


Well-Known Member
like above said, may not get as many nodes as you would under a mh. that said, I use cfls for veg so..... Im not one to talk.


Can someone veg with a 400w hps bulb or do i need the color difference in the MH bulb?
Yes you can veg with hps but i wouldnt recommend it ur electric bill would be crazy you can veg easy with a cheap flourescent light (saving a small fourtune)

ps. im using 600wt hps to veg mine (im just lazy and couldnt be fucked to change it xD) witch in this case if ur gonna use ur 400wt hps id advise you to make sure u have good air flow above ur plants and make sure the light is atleast 15in away



Well-Known Member
Yes you can, but it's not recommended. There's a reason why you use MH to veg because the light spectrum is so much better for them, even at lower wattage. What is your reason for wanting to use HPS? Check the link in my sig for a 400w setup that includes both bulbs, I can't see any reason to only use the HPS....


Well-Known Member
Yep. I veg and flower under HPS. I had a MH bulb, 400, but wasn't seeing the growth I liked, so I put the HPS back in. They are in a cool tube, plants are 3" from the glass.


Well-Known Member
I have done both many times, best results BY FAR come with MH in veg and HPS in flower.
Sure you can use either throughout or both. But MH will veg your plants much better than HPS and HPS will flower your plants much better than MH.