Can a black trash bag be placed over plant for a few hours safely?


Active Member
Want to store some plants in a tucked away position for a few hours. They are 2 weeks into flowering. Covering plants with a black plastic trash bag to keep smell at bay a bit and out of sight. I know plants "breath" and was hoping I could do this for a few hours without harming them?


Well-Known Member
cloudz said it right. I've used a trash can to light depo a single plant for a few hours per day. A trash bag will kill em'.


Active Member
Thanks everyone. I'm glad I checked here first. Now, I'm thinking about covering with a bed sheet. Since I can breath under one, my plants can too, right? Just talking two or three hours in the dark period.


Well-Known Member
How exactly are you planning to cover the plant, just throwing the bed sheet over it? Anything physically touching the plant just sounds like a bad idea to me. I don't know about your bedsheets, but mine are fairly heavy. I would think the sheets would crumble the plant. If you have to use bedsheets I would try and make a makeshift tent. or anything something that prevents the actual sheet from touching the plant.


Active Member
Yes, just throwing the sheet over it would probably crush to some degree.

What I need to do is conceal 6 plants in 3 gallon containers in my car, in a garage, for 2 to 3 hours. Stealth is my main concern. Sight and smell. Plants are 2 weeks into flower. My trunk may work for 4 of the plants. The sheets would be used to cover the plants in the trunk/interior of the car. This is happening, so I need to find the best way to conceal in a non-moving garaged car.


This may sound odd but are you able to store them in your car? i have an Eclipse GSX in my garage that is on two blocks while getting the brakes upgraded, that i used to store my 2 plants while Comcast was out replacing my modem and some in wall coaxials.


lol ooops didnt see your last post there.... in that case if you are doing the car in garage thing go to the hardware store and buy a car tarp. i bought a 15x20 one for 30 bucks at ACE they come one side brown the other side silver with eye hook holes all around it, grab some twine and tie her down like a condom around the car.


Great thing is you can always reuse the tarp for many other situations in life, so you dont feel like you dropped 30 bucks on a one time thing.


Well-Known Member
You could always cover the car in sheets and put the plants in the car. 4 in the trunk and 2 in the back seat. If asked why, just say you don't want dust to get on the car. Or you could just cover the windows up with something, paper, tape anything I guess.

Glad we're thinking along the same lines Nobahd


You could always cover the car in sheets and put the plants in the car. 4 in the trunk and 2 in the back seat. If asked why, just say you don't want dust to get on the car. Or you could just cover the windows up with something, paper, tape anything I guess.

Glad we're thinking along the same lines Nobahd
Paper is actually a great idea !! i used paper when i repainted my door panels and dash board, it not only is functional for your purpose but it doesnt look ridiculous like you are trying to hide something, as any person who paints interior or the car in general uses newspaper and masking tape to cover the windows up... good thinking Cloudz2600 ... side note i love your name 2600 i named my little side money computer company "2600 custom" you must know about the "Quarterly Hacker Magazine"