Camel Crush

My friend turned me on to these and for only the second time in 24 years of smoking cigarettes I have changed my brand. Overnight. Not that I would ever smoke a non-menthol cigarette, but people at shows are forever bumming a smoke and most hate my Newport Lights, so Camel Crush it is! Also, they just had a deal for $2.50 off two packs, so I bought three cartons. Now I'm going to buy them online since it's just so cheap. My Mom's friend, however, got a tax bill for $950. after buying smokes online...but yes, try these and preare to smoke many, many of them. Be kind to each other, people.


Active Member
I pretty much quite, I only smoke a cigarette every 3-4 days when I do I prefer a full flavor, pretty much anything thats box is a shade of red. I don't like crush when they aren't menthol all they are are camel lights, when they are menthol they taste like funny camel frost.