Calling UK Soil Growers - What do you use to adjust your PH Down (More Acidic)


tap water here ie ph8 when i gave it vita link grow they dropped the ph to 3.2 fucked me for a while. mostly organic now and i dont ph. seems a lot easier.
I'm guessing your in wales??? Looks like we have the same water PH roughly, think I'm going to buy that PH down made with phosphoric acid and see if my soil PH reduces as well (I like the fact my soil says "made for acidic soil loving plants)


Active Member
see my plants appeared to be growing fine in soil (before I became soil PH paranoid lol) and then I started getting all this different advice some saying I dont need to bother others saying I do :S I'm ordering some seeds this weekend and wanted to have everything I need to ensure I don't waste my money and have my plants die because of something silly like soil PH.
Mix in a cup of lime for every 30 litre bag of soil you won't ever have to worry about soil ph again


Mix in a cup of lime for every 30 litre bag of soil you won't ever have to worry about soil ph again
So mixing in lime will bring my soil to 7 by not more alkaline.

I have a big 3kg box of garden lime sitting right next to me, I was always under the impression that adding lime to ph 8 soil would do nothing at least no good I am surprised to hear it will bring my ph down. Is putting lime over the top of my soil and watering the way to go then? Am I right in thinking this would reduce and keep the soil a PH7???


Well-Known Member
or better option is to go and get a bag of acidic soil. Basic B-Q or some jazzy hydro stuff.
Wash as much out of the roots as you can and repot into better soil


or better option is to go and get a bag of acidic soil. Basic B-Q or some jazzy hydro stuff.
Wash as much out of the roots as you can and repot into better soil
I already brought a bag of acidic soil it just didn't seem to stay that way for long plus my water comes from the tap at ph 8 which is probably what is turning it alkaline???


Active Member
So mixing in lime will bring my soil to 7 by not more alkaline.

I have a big 3kg box of garden lime sitting right next to me, I was always under the impression that adding lime to ph 8 soil would do nothing at least no good I am surprised to hear it will bring my ph down. Is putting lime over the top of my soil and watering the way to go then? Am I right in thinking this would reduce and keep the soil a PH7???
Yes you can top dress and water in but i think it takes longer to have any effect maybe 2 to 3 weeks.
I always add it when i make up a batch of soil good for cal too and some epsom salts for mag less things to worry about in the long run


I guess the best thing to do would be to water with ph down for a while and look for any differences as I just tested the PH of the bag the soil came from and it is 7 so more then acceptable it has to be the water which is turning it alkaline surely?