Calling the Doctor calling the Doctor


Well-Known Member
Annie what do you think of this, I’ve started blistering from the bandage and the cut area is hurting today more than yesterday and has gotten swollen and sore the bruising is just bruising and is moving and spreading south . But there’s a substantial area of risen muscle tissue at the impact site . I don’t see red streaks headed north from the injured area, it’s not oozing pos
Will I get better if I 1 rest 2 work climbing ladders 3 get some antibiotics
Annie what do you think of this, I’ve started blistering from the bandage and the cut area is hurting today more than yesterday and has gotten swollen and sore the bruising is just bruising and is moving and spreading south . But there’s a substantial area of risen muscle tissue at the impact site . I don’t see red streaks headed north from the injured area, it’s not oozing pos
Will I get better if I 1 rest 2 work climbing ladders 3 get some antibiotics
You will be fine don't even worry the ecchymosis (bruising) isnt even bad, just put some polysporin on it and suck it up princess your gonna live :grin:. Might be mildly infected... very mild ... very slight redness but you def don't need antibiotics.

next time you get hurt use RICE it will reduce the bruising/swelling/pain... wont do much for the little cut but that is nothing to worry about anyway.

I'M not miss Annie, I can give you my opinion if you want? Let me know..
Your opinion is always welcome my brother.

Just for the record I’m not worried about the bruising, but the area were the impact was is starting to hurt and I’m worried that I’ve tore the muscle because it started hurting at work yesterday ( up and down a ladder all day and the day before) . And now I have a pronounced lump.
You will be fine don't even worry the ecchymosis (bruising) isnt even bad, just put some polysporin on it and suck it up princess your gonna live :grin:. Might be mildly infected... very mild ... very slight redness but you def don't need antibiotics.

next time you get hurt use RICE it will reduce the bruising/swelling/pain... wont do much for the little cut but that is nothing to worry about anyway.

Princess hummmm, sunny doesn’t like it when I include “ THE DICK “ in my pics . But I’m not worried about the bruising it’s something else.
But thanks.....hey you’re recipe for rice did not taste very good may I suggest add some salt and pepper maybe some soy.
So, this happened last Friday and did, whatever, smack your leg hard enough to bruise it like that? and are you putting antibiotic oint on it regularly?Actually it doesn't look too bad to me. Irritation might be from the type of bandage you're using, pulling the sticky off numerous times. Maybe use gauze pads and wrap around your leg. Working on it and not resting it sure doesn't help. I would think if you tore a muscle there it would hurt like a motherfucker.
Princess hummmm, sunny doesn’t like it when I include “ THE DICK “ in my pics . But I’m not worried about the bruising it’s something else.
But thanks.....hey you’re recipe for rice did not taste very good may I suggest add some salt and pepper maybe some soy.
You look like you are doing fine. The lack of resting your leg caused a larger internal hematoma so that's going to hurt. Doesn't look infected. At work I'd put an Ace bandage (compression dressing) around it if you're going to be climbing ladders etc... At home, after taking off your compression dressing get a beer, elevate your leg (above your heart) give it 20 minutes of ice 20 of heat and repeat a time or two ending with 20 minutes of ice. This will help resolve the internal hematoma quicker.

For pain stay away from Aspirin and use Tylenol, you really don't need to encourage more weeping into the space. Finally you're showing a slight skin allergy to the adhesive in the bandaid. If your wound weeps at all (which it doesn't look like it is) just put a piece of gauze over it and then wrap it with the Ace bandage.

Nice wound almost surgical edges, good job.
So, this happened last Friday and did, whatever, smack your leg hard enough to bruise it like that? and are you putting antibiotic oint on it regularly?Actually it doesn't look too bad to me. Irritation might be from the type of bandage you're using, pulling the sticky off numerous times. Maybe use gauze pads and wrap around your leg. Working on it and not resting it sure doesn't help. I would think if you tore a muscle there it would hurt like a motherfucker.
You look like you are doing fine. The lack of resting your leg caused a larger internal hematoma so that's going to hurt. Doesn't look infected. At work I'd put an Ace bandage (compression dressing) around it if you're going to be climbing ladders etc... At home, after taking off your compression dressing get a beer, elevate your leg (above your heart) give it 20 minutes of ice 20 of heat and repeat a time or two ending with 20 minutes of ice. This will help resolve the internal hematoma quicker.

For pain stay away from Aspirin and use Tylenol, you really don't need to encourage more weeping into the space. Finally you're showing a slight skin allergy to the adhesive in the bandaid. If your wound weeps at all (which it doesn't look like it is) just put a piece of gauze over it and then wrap it with the Ace bandage.

Nice wound almost surgical edges, good job.
Thank you both, I’m pretty much doing that. I must say that you’ve done a helluva job with only a few pics. Spot on.