Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

I put stuff in da chicken batter to make dem shop at at Wally World................


I would exclude some people, but their race would not be the determinant.

then why do you say that you are forced against your will and coerced into serving black people?

either you would serve black people or you have to be coerced against your will to serve black people, it can't be both ya racist POS.
Blacks had limited options when the coercive government made laws that restricted their choices of association, such as who they could marry etc.

anti-miscegeny laws had nothing to do with the decision of hostile and racist business owners to deny service to blacks.

you need to stop jumbling, revising, and denying history to prop up your shitty, failed, racist arguments.

the independent decision of hostile racists like you to deny service based on skin color caused a lot of harm. you do not have a right to cause harm to others like that.

it really is as simple as that.

now go on, deny history and make a rape comparison, then tell us all how happy you'd be to serve a black customer. because that makes so much sense.
this kind of thing ^^ happened in Ireland .. the Catholics were not happy about it since they were on the receiving end

it saddens me to say this but many people have been dehumanized by government/societies teachings
many people are more brutal than government
left to people themselves i'm certain the punishment for disobedience would be equally as harmful if not more violent

i do not feel any solidarity towards other unknown individuals or government, they are both potential threats

how does your point work the other way round from the point of view of a worker not a seller or buyer?
for example
if government does not set standards of some kind it would be legal for white folk to work for £2 per day ?
and black folk to work for £1 per day .. as long as both parties agree ?[/QUOTE

For a business interaction to be valid in my book, the participants must determine the terms on an agreed to basis.

What other people do, is not my business, it's theirs, they should be free to make whatever terms they can mutually agree to.
anti-miscegeny laws had nothing to do with the decision of hostile and racist business owners to deny service to blacks.

you need to stop jumbling, revising, and denying history to prop up your shitty, failed, racist arguments.

the independent decision of hostile racists like you to deny service based on skin color caused a lot of harm. you do not have a right to cause harm to others like that.

it really is as simple as that.

now go on, deny history and make a rape comparison, then tell us all how happy you'd be to serve a black customer. because that makes so much sense.

Do you approve of initiating force to make people use their property and /or their body in ways they'd prefer not to?

Simple question. Yes or No.
Do you approve of initiating force to make people use their property and /or their body in ways they'd prefer not to?

not gonna play this game with a racist retard who think denying service to millions of blacks for decades caused no harm at all.

once you can acknowledge basic historical facts, come see me cupcake.