calling all Phreaks


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is a questions about phone phreaking. I am sure that if you are into this, then you already known what a phreak is. Basically a phreak is a phone hacker that uses signals to hack peoples phones and then use these hacked phone lines as a mask to call internationally and long distance without being billed, because the victim of the hacking will get billed instead.

Basically, my friend and I were hanging out today and he got a call from this phone number: 1-111-111-161 and he looks at it and shows me and he's like, "wtf is this number, I'm just going to ignore it." So he ignores it and they call back. So he ignores it again and decides to call it back from his work phone number. He calls the number and the person on the other end goes "Is this Kyle Smith?" (which is my friends name) and he replies "yes" then the guy stops talking he hears a weird series of clicks and then the phone hangs up. The phone call lasted around 20 seconds.

My friend starts freaking out and getting all paranoid that his cell is being traced so he starts doing some research. He calls the number back like 20 minutes later and he gets the "I'm sorry, this verizon number has been disconnected... blah blah blah." Anyway, we start doing some research on the dial code 111, and it turns out that this is a number used by government authorities and phone phreaks (hackers).

If anyone knows anything about phone phreaking and could provide some information that would totally help me out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks data =/

I also forgot to include this link which is pretty bizarre in itself. After googling the number and the area code we stumbled upon this website which gave us our first clue at what might have happened to my friend.


it's a fucking trippy website. Make sure you scroll down a bit to see the phreak hacking FAQ which kind of explains what a phreak is.


Well-Known Member
eh, cookbooks are ancient. besides, most tone/war driving exploits have been patched. if your friend was getting tapped it would have nothing to do with this.


Active Member
its possible to spoof your CID (caller id) aka Flux ani # using Skype.... sounds like i would invest in a disposable celli for a while....


Well-Known Member
then in your opinion data what do you think this sounds like? Like I said, that was all the info that we found from googling the number repeatedly. The only other info we had was a on one site, a guy said someone called his daughter using a 111 number and told her "I'm going to kill you" and then hung up. They filed a police report but nothing was resolved.

I'm not expecting much in answers from this site, but I know there are people more techie than me out there (esp. on this site, some stoners are pretty tech-savvy I've noticed).


Well-Known Member
The lowest legitimate 3-digit area code is 201. It is a fake number.

There are also no area codes ending in 11. The N11 numbers, as they are known, are all special-purpose numbers that include directory assistance at 411 and we all know about 911.
Could mean that someone is stalking you. I can't believe this is legal: google "spoofcard." Can be used for private or business.

in this case the lookup says:

it's from yahoo messenger
Caller ID: 111-111-1610
Caller: yahoo
Caller Type: Commercial

This number, I believe, is a number that shows up on your phone when a person sends a Yahoo Instant Message to someone's phone. someone is scaming here.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Data! That sounds like the best bet for what happened yesterday. It'll defintely make my friend feel better. He sleeped with a baseball bat last night, just in case someone did try to kill him LOL.