Calling All Noob Growers

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Well-Known Member
You can get a sample analysis for $15 if you send it to Texas. UB showed me this one. I just sent a sample to see how my new mix is. #2. Routine Analysis + Micronutrients (Micro) for $15 is a steal to me.
Hope that helps
Thats some cool info Dan. I am going to have to send a few samples off myself. See how the analysis matches my grow results. Thanks dude. And to anyone looking into the azomite at Be sure to check out the mushroom growing kits. They are a ton of fun to grow. And no, they are not the 'magical' kind. Sorry.......


Well-Known Member
hey folks!!! well I wanted to share my new baby with all of you!! she is very little, but I bet she will she will produce with this light. It is about 1 cubic foot, and right under 1 sq ft. the bulb is a philips mastercolor ed17 100watt CMH putting out about 9000 lumens, and the ballast is also in the PC. my temps are now between 83 & 86 from the bottom to the top, and I still have 1 or 2 tweaks to cool it off more. I wanted to show it off so fellow growers can see that it can be done, but I want to warn it was not the easiest task. I think a 50 or 70 watter would be easy for about anyone.

Oh, the 130 watt CMH/ballast combo increased temps approximately 10 degrees over 104 actual watts of 6500k CFL that was in their prior. I have since changed fans which brought that down 3 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Thats some cool info Dan. I am going to have to send a few samples off myself. See how the analysis matches my grow results. Thanks dude. And to anyone looking into the azomite at Be sure to check out the mushroom growing kits. They are a ton of fun to grow. And no, they are not the 'magical' kind. Sorry.......
Uncle Ben helped me with that. When in doubt send it to Texas. I just looked it up a couple days ago for this batch I made.
Ooooo, man I can tell I'm gona have to read this more than once or twice...very new to this and have been reading a lot mostly from you, riddle. I hope you don't mind answering a lot of really noobish questions in a few days from now? Because a lot of this is hard to keep track of, I've already started taking notes but may need you to correct some of them and answer questions. Thanks for all the advice for beginners...thanks. -PAP


Well-Known Member
hey riddleme i have those pic, shes getting worase plz help...i dnt know whwt to do
see a minor nute burn and possibly a minor deficiency

what soil/medium
what nutes
what is your ph
what are your watering practices
and your temp & humidity

please and thankyou


i use wonder nutes 7:3:5 i live in south africa so the nutes i read bout on this forum is impossble to find here. i dont know my ph but i give her ph adjusted water ph6-7 my humidity is bout 20%-30% seeing its a heavy indica i recen its nt a bad thing. and i water her every 2nd day when the soil seems dry. the strain is rocklock if that would help in any way.


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil? and how often are you feeding it nutes and at what strength?

for it's size watering every 2 days seems a bit much, you should let it go once till it droops to learn when it wants water


its outdoor soil that i bought from a nursury. i bought this specifictly for it retains more moist thn the ordanry potting soil. and nutes at 1/4 strenth. i just want her to heal up:cry:


Well-Known Member
its outdoor soil that i bought from a nursury. i bought this specifictly for it retains more moist thn the ordanry potting soil. and nutes at 1/4 strenth. i just want her to heal up:cry:
Ok retains more moisture is a bad thing when growing MJ, hopefully your drainage is good

you need to flush it and wait, watching only new growth for signs of improvement

and plan on transplanting it into better soil

please update us in a couple of days


Well-Known Member
Hey Ferdinado I wouldnt Ph before you add your nutes ur PH is probably dropping to low. I did this on my first grow and it turns out my nutes drop my ph about 3 points just something to think about GL


Well-Known Member
A question on nutes. All my experiments have involved using Gh flora three part, no extras. This is probably the most confusing part for me. I know I will need more nutes when I start my first official grow. If I stick with the 3part GH what would be some enhancers I could add? there are so many out there & I know squat about nutes.


Well-Known Member
I don't (and won't ever) do canna specific 2 or 3 part nutes, so have no clue how to answer your question, perhaps others subbed to the thread can answer???


New Member
I don't (and won't ever) do canna specific 2 or 3 part nutes, so have no clue how to answer your question, perhaps others subbed to the thread can answer???
Sorry but I feel exactly as Riddle...IMHHO get you some Dynagro Foliage pro and Jack's Classic and you will benefit:joint:

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:


Well-Known Member
riddle, i have a riddle-

when i make it rain i can't use the volumes of water that you suggest due to no drain. after this grow i will be changing that. so with eight gallons of soil i put about 6.5 gallons through it, which seems to work good. then feeding takes 2 gallons to get decent runoff. i am at 3.75 EC and STILL have a leaf turnin yellow and droppin off here and there. NO nute burn. with sativa dom crosses. the plants are tied down now and would easily be eight or nine feet tall if held upright. i'll post some pics tomorrow.

have you ever heard of/seen this before.


Well-Known Member
riddle, i have a riddle-

when i make it rain i can't use the volumes of water that you suggest due to no drain. after this grow i will be changing that. so with eight gallons of soil i put about 6.5 gallons through it, which seems to work good. then feeding takes 2 gallons to get decent runoff. i am at 3.75 EC and STILL have a leaf turnin yellow and droppin off here and there. NO nute burn. with sativa dom crosses. the plants are tied down now and would easily be eight or nine feet tall if held upright. i'll post some pics tomorrow.

have you ever heard of/seen this before.
an occasional leaf yes, which IMO the plant is dropping for one reason or another, and have to ask are you making sure to get a good dry time before each raining???

will look forward to the pics


Well-Known Member
i meant the amount of fert's-

if i was using dutch master's i'd have to mortgage the house to feed the garden!
1 EC foliage pro, 1 EC all ppurpose, 2.5 EC bloom(jack's)


Well-Known Member
i meant the amount of fert's-

if i was using dutch master's i'd have to mortgage the house to feed the garden!
1 EC foliage pro, 1 EC all ppurpose, 2.5 EC bloom(jack's)
sorry don't do/know EC (don't have a meter for it) I simply mix 1/4 teaspoon to a gallon of water