Calling All Noob Growers

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Well-Known Member
Gotta love the 'Homer Buckets'. Lookin ready. Now its time for set, go! Check this vid out. Its everything a grower needs to know composting, growing and the DIY spirit. Just replace 'Riddle' everytime your hear 'Red' Rock on...... EDIT: its not perpetual motion, its growing.


Well-Known Member
and before some one ask,,the white catch my rain drip pans are the water tank out of a camper cut in half

and that is one funny video
Gotta thank you again for inviting me to this thread. You were right. We share a common view on growing. I often pass Mobile Home/Camper Surplus outlets and see those crapper tanks lined up in rows just waiting to be topped or cut in half and used a drain or catch basin. Heres what I am using at the moment. The 52 liter storage containers on wheels. Aids in movings big containers. And as you can see, Homer approves. And I bet everyone notices the claw in the last pic. We all fuck up. I double dosed my medium mix with bloodmeal by a stoners mistake. Just riding it out. EDIT: my bad. in the last pic the bright white light in the upper left corner is my second CMH. Replaced a 600 like the one it hangs next to in the pic.


Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
This is a repost, as a few have been asking me about, what post I'm talking about:

Wow, what a read, finally finished all of the Riddleme Madman's links, side references, charts, etc. I've read every post in every thread and can say it was well worth the time and effort. I have been pseudo playing the game with Riddleme through PM's, it's a blast.

Let me introduce myself, I am a Colorado State Licensed MMJ Caregiver, so I grow legally. I have been growing for about 4 years but still consider myself to be a 'noob' if you will. I started following RMMM or RM3 for short, (riddlememadman) as I wanted a simple approach to nutrients and feeding and what better place to start, just like a noob. Anyway, I often tell people, I cannot tell you how to grow the best, but I can tell you how I've screwed things up in the past. You name it, I've done it. I've got some experience under my belt in that area.

Just some quick thoughts and observations.

I see a lot of small plants in great big containers, I think you should let them out grow and up pot

Jonathon, you did an excellent job of lollipopping that tree of yours. You have everything basically the same distance from your light source and nothing below wasting. Don't know how dense you can get her with those lights but you will have a lot of bud to toke !

Ed, if I remember you had a hermie, was it the blueberry? My understanding is that most, if not all, blueberry plants hermie due to the extensive age and over breeding of the genetics behind them. I've had a friend who's did that too. His was from Barney's I believe. Also I think you came up with the cost spread sheet? I couldn't open it after download, but would love to try it out. With the passage of HB10-1284, I as a caregiver am required to only sell my meds to my patients at cost and what a better way to calculate?

I noticed that several people have had plants hermie on them and I just want to give my $.02 on it. One thing we have to keep in mind is that one of if the not the, biggest stress we can place on these plants is not giving them pollen to complete their life cycle. Once they hit a point in flowering they are under constant stress which is why they are growing buds and pistils so heavily. I DO believe light leaks and to a much higher degree, light cycle issues, lead to the hermie trait being brought out. As RM3 has said we are god and mother nature of our plants indoors. And we have the 1st stress in addition to having the additional stress of Force Flowering. Outdoors plants don't go from 18/6 to 12/12 in one day, its very very gradual and the moon, street lights shadows, etc are accounted for by the slowness of the process, IMHO. (as evidenced an obvious here, ( I Know I gotta bring proof to this thread, you guys are too sharp !) I would love to have the ability to change the light cycle indoors by the 2 minute increments to mimick outdoors but thats along experiment !) So that's strike two and they, I believe are related, in that when you add those, and one more photo period problem, they can and often do hermie. I've had a plant hermie when all the others in her set were fine. Eventually narrowed it down to a small red light on a power strip that she was next to. So, I say be careful with light leaks and especially photo period, make sure your timers are set and correct.

And along those lines, I know that we all start with bagseed and thats fine and dandy. So we don't know the genetics behind it or what to expect, very blind if you will. When these plants hermie and produce seeds, many traits can and are passed along, including that hermie trait, sometimes. I actually believe it is always there, just waiting to rear it's ugly head. In breeding programs they don't usually hermie a plant to itself to create feminized seeds. They may use a hermie but they pollinate a plant that is a straight female to increase the odds of supressing the hermie trait and not passing it. I would be careful growing the seeds from the self pollinated hermies as the chances are higher they will too be hermies.

Next point is the contest, which I think kinda ties into all of this. I think we should do a contest where we compare apples to apples. Rather than having everybody growing something different, we should all grow the same strain, from seed, at the same time all using what we have learned from RM3's threads. We pick a date and we all put them in the ground and see what happens. I like this as it would be a nice class/case study of the effects different environment have on a strain and grow. Many times when you are grading MMJ you are grading the grower more so than the genetics, kinda, if that makes sense. We would all be on the same kinda program and nutes, (can't wait to start the Jacks & dynagrow BTW).

Now how do we all get the same strain? I have done some 'pollen chucking' (they are one off crosses not strains, no back crossing...yet, but stable F1's) and have some beans that have been tested by several farmers and they are pretty uniform. I would be willing to send a few beans to each person in the contest. (I've done it and have no problem doing it have nice stealth method) The genetics are mine and called Purple Rain which is my Purple Head Knocker x White Widow. The Purple Head Knocker is the Arcata Cut of Trainwreck x Durban Poison. For me, I would get to see x # of journals with my genetics and as an amateur breeder there is nothing better than seeing someone else grow your shit. Also, there are green phenos and true Purple phenos. Not the leaves turning purple cuz people don't Keep 'em Green (nice mantra) till the end. I mean true Purple genetics where the leaves remain lush and green and the calyx's turn purple. It's a beautiful plant so forgive my fawning on it. Just a thought.

Am I Norml? you remind me of a good friend from another site, I love your style and the gruff of you ! You mentioned that you, 15 years ago, went on the buying the most expensive shit quest. I'm there now and wanting OUT ! Humboldt's line of 15 products is breaking me down

Ohh, pictures of the puppies ! My Australian Shepard Border Collie mix is named George or Geogialicious, or Porgy Pie. Dog's are the best. He's in my outdoor garden

I like the 'family feel' to these threads, Big, you are the man ! Love how everyone sticks up for the teacher, that's how it should be

I come from a boxing background and I can tell you there are hundreds of ways to train and prepare a fighter, but all that matters is how he performs 'under the bright lights'. I think the same holds true with mary jane. Many ways to do the same thing, find one that works FOR YOU and stick with it and experiment.

Greencrack, love the avatar, and love the TPB's.

RM3, A friend ordered during that same attitude promotion and gave me some of the beans. Let me know when you pop the Cole Train, Motavation and Rocklock and we can run them side by side. Show you what you taught me

I only wish I had found these threads sooner, I had so much to say to everyone along the way !

The last four pictures are the Purple Rain



Well-Known Member
Gotta thank you again for inviting me to this thread. You were right. We share a common view on growing. I often pass Mobile Home/Camper Surplus outlets and see those crapper tanks lined up in rows just waiting to be topped or cut in half and used a drain or catch basin. Heres what I am using at the moment. The 52 liter storage containers on wheels. Aids in movings big containers. And as you can see, Homer approves. And I bet everyone notices the claw in the last pic. We all fuck up. I double dosed my medium mix with bloodmeal by a stoners mistake. Just riding it out.
Your very welcome, I too saw from your post that we think/grow a lot alike and as you can see this thread is about growing LOL not chest thumpin soap opera shit, some great folks come here to share and hang out and I like it that way, it's how all of RIU should be IMO

and yes we all make mistakes, have stoner moments as it were, I'm sure it's nothing you can't fix my friend


Well-Known Member
well been monitoring temps in the basement since we got here, been holding steady at 74 when it is above 80 outside, light has been running for over 2 hours now and the temp went up to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75

gotta love CMH


Well-Known Member
Gotta agree that you need to allow your plants to become pot bound. Not rootbound, pot bound as they grow up. Young plants in big pots equal your plant and you missing out feedings, waterings. I have a different thought as far as hermis go. I think it just the factor of unstable genetics being pumped out by the breeders to keep up with the growing market and demand. Its fun to have a new ballglove. But come gameday which mit do you take to the field?


Well-Known Member
And the demand is the explosion of new growers. Hence sites such as this. Everyone wants to be a rock star. But few are willing to visit Carnegie Hall.


Well-Known Member
ok so I fired up the light tonight and am about ready to kick this shit in the ass

here is a sneak preview at how Riddle rolls when he gets serious :mrgreen:

yes those are hinged wood panels that are totally movable and adjustable and yes right next to hot water heater (CO2) and furnace is behind the back panel
Sweet, looks like youve trapped a supernova in a reflector HAHA whats the wattage ?

Cant wait to see more are you gna start a new thread or keep it all in here for demonstration purposes ?


Well-Known Member
heyy riddle, i know ur the man to talk about when it come to MH... lol
iv read the last couple post about wich ballasts work and stuff.. but i still kinda feel lost haha..
my friends shop collapsed a few days ago, and now has 36 MH lamps but no ballasts. im goona get a 400W off him, am i correct that a 400W HPS magnetic ballast will work?


Well-Known Member
heyy riddle, i know ur the man to talk about when it come to MH... lol
iv read the last couple post about wich ballasts work and stuff.. but i still kinda feel lost haha..
my friends shop collapsed a few days ago, and now has 36 MH lamps but no ballasts. im goona get a 400W off him, am i correct that a 400W HPS magnetic ballast will work?
a quote posted by Cowboylogic,,,,,

A HPS ballast will fire a regular MH bulb. But a MH ballast will only fire MH bulbs and HPS conversion bulbs.

so to answer your question,,,,,yes


Well-Known Member
i gotta quick Q about my nutes,
after i harvest my current plants in hydro im planning on turning it into a bubbble ponics system, but i got probly 3/4th of the nutes left from what i bought for this round, and i wanna use em to vegg in the next system. there bloom nutes, with a N-P-K of 1-3-4, its a 2 part solution, #1 N, #2 P and K. can i just double or tripple the #1 solution to use them for vegging plants?


Well-Known Member
I would think yes in most cases but would also want to know what else is in it and how that might affect things

yet another reason I don't like those 2 and 3 part nutes LOL


Well-Known Member
lol yea, but i had to buy supplimental micro-nutes because the #1 solution only has 3% MG
a NOTHING else....
its not a very known, reputable name brand lol


Well-Known Member
hey riddle,
i was talking to this lady i know and she told me about this place she gets free soil for her veggtable garden. its a sewage water treatment plant, but will let you take as many free yards of soil you want. i think it possibly could be part.. uh human "manure" in the compost mix lol
but im thinking if its okay for her veggies, it should be okay for my ladies. right?


Well-Known Member
hey riddle,
i was talking to this lady i know and she told me about this place she gets free soil for her veggtable garden. its a sewage water treatment plant, but will let you take as many free yards of soil you want. i think it possibly could be part.. uh human "manure" in the compost mix lol
but im thinking if its okay for her veggies, it should be okay for my ladies. right?
She is correct. Many WWTP offer free/lowcost compost. But this soil if far from organic and can harbor many heavy metals, bacteria and just basically some nasty pathogens. I would not recommend indoors much less outdoors in a vegatable garden.


Well-Known Member
yea, those are all good points..
i would imagine it isnt the "cleanest" soil around, or the most sanitary lol
figured it wus worth looking into tho, thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Now if you just completed building a new house on was once a vacant lot and needed to establish a new lawn/landscaping it would be something to consider. It does have its benefits. Not a completely bad thing, its recycling. But just not something you want in your containers or your veggies growing in, thats all.


Well-Known Member
hahaha yea, i figured it was best used for stuff more along those lines,
but i just took 15 clones and was thinking of when it comes time to buy all the soil to fill 15x 4 gal buckets... :shock:lol
i appreciate it tho!! =]


Well-Known Member
Get a couple of bales of peat moss. A 25 lb. bag of worm castings. A pound or so of dolomite and kelp meal. Perlite to taste. Add a cup or so of Rare Earth, mix and you are off to the races. You could also add some guano, but the type and amount would depend on veg time and or when you would be flowering those clones once potted. A good medium mix does not have to come wrapped in a fancy label.