Calling ALL Hempy bucket users, get in here!

H.R. Shove N Stuff

Active Member
I'am currently using this method for my first grow and will probably never change. It uses very little space, nothing mechanical or electrical needed. Just about a few minutes of my time every other day. Anyways onto my question.

Right now I'am currently using a 5 gallon bucket for a my 'nute resevior' being oxygenated with air pump. When I need to feed my plants I just get a cup and dip into it and feed my plants until overflow. I use a 5 gallon bucket probably once a week.

The original guys that use this method made gallon feed jugs and just used that until gone. No oxygenating. Do I need to oxygenate my resevior or even have a resevior? Does the hempy bucket provide the oxygen needed above the drain holes for the roots in the bucket?

Am I being redundent oxygenating my resevior?

Any comments on DTW or Hempy method would be cool als, thanks.


Well-Known Member
HR, I don't run a pump into nutes and it's not an issue. Don't make it more complex than it needs to be, it's the beauty of hempy. Let's see what the others say.

H.R. Shove N Stuff

Active Member
HR, I don't run a pump into nutes and it's not an issue. Don't make it more complex than it needs to be, it's the beauty of hempy. Let's see what the others say.
Do you make a batch of nutes and store them and if so what do you use or just make enough to use for the one feeding?


Well-Known Member
I just started hempy too and was wondering the same thing. From what I read u do not need it for oxygen, but I think it will help prevent bad bacteria and keep your nutes mixed better. I would like to get confirmation on the last two. I am going to do the same thing on a little bigger scale. I like to mix my nutes with my ro water, the machine is slow so i am going to fill a bigger container. it is important to mix your nutes and let them sit for a day so the buffer in the nutes work properly. with ro water and letting them sit for a day i do not have to use any ph up or down.


Well-Known Member
I do hempy. I also do DWC.

If you mix nutes ahead of time you'll need to keep them aerated or harmful micro-beasties will grow.

If you use fresh water you don't need to aerate the water, especially if you use tap, but bottled distilled water benefits from aeration quite a bit. Aerated water with hempy is comparable to DWC, in my experience, but non-aerated water with hempy isn't as quick growing as DWC though still much faster then soil.

The easiest way to aerate water is to pour it from one bucket to another, back and forth a bunch of times. Water falling through air saturates with oxygen much quicker then with some tiny bubbles running through it. This is how I thoroughly mix my nutes as well. Instead of shaking it all up in one capped bottle I pour back and forth between two buckets.


Active Member
I usually mix my nutes one gallon at a time (personal grower, only 2nd attempt). I use tap water (let sit out for a night to evaporate chlorine) and just give a really good shake for 2-3 min everyday. I never have a gallon sitting around for more than a week so I dont think I should run into any problems... or should I change my methods?


U could go and do all that but I think u would be cool just get some ro water I use it cuz its cheaper for me 30 cents a gallon I add 1tsp magical and use gh flora micro and bloom let it sit for a few hours and its all good.every time u water ur plants u give them air too kinda off and works really well if ur using coco perlite 50/50 mix is use it myself after seeing my boy get down on that set up. canna coco....And also using a 5 gallon bro is a waste of space and medium not trying to put ur set up down in any way or any one else using bigger buckets but I read on another forum that all u need is a 2 gallon this guy got like 250 grams dry from a 2 gallon.So just keep that in mind.U could even fit more plants especially if they are square bucket hempys even better.... And yes I read from I think it was Head from Head seeds that he lets his mix of nutes sit around about a week before he uses them all up and he has np.