Calling All Colorado Growers!!!

How do you have Diplomatic immunity? What makes you think that you are impervious to any type of trouble? Why don't you need a license? Are you that high on the Diplomatic totem poll that your shit don't stink?
How do you have Diplomatic immunity? What makes you think that you are impervious to any type of trouble? Why don't you need a license? Are you that high on the Diplomatic totem poll that your shit don't stink?

Actually diplomatic immunity makes you virtually immune specially to getting arrested hence really hard to bring to court. Any toil could mean serious diplomatic impasses.

That doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants, he probably would get arrested then released, unless cops get all their bureaucratic machine working to get an authorization they can't touch him. Depends what country he belongs to anyways. If it's some third world country with little diplomatic leverage he'll get stomped.

This guy is still nuts. Kinda funny.
Hope your deportation goes well.
The fact that the OP joined in 08 and has 4 posts is very strange to me....
lol ggs idk may be Im a cop working on a premature sting to bring down the recreational marijuana law that I obviously knew was going to pass 4 fucking years ago to catch you fucking Eisenstein on here. Holy shit man you got me! lol fucking morons!
I didn't say any of that I just thought it was strange that you have only posted 4 times in so many years. Smoke a bowl man!!
all other stuff aside about posts and age of account (doesnt matter if you had 1000 posts or this was your first one). You really sound like a complete lunatic without going into some of the details. Making broad claims about being above the law is a huge red flag and I will definitely call bullshit if noone else has said it yet.
Being a dick in your CL post and your Posts here, yeah your going to find someone who trusts you enough to sell to you.
I don't care how immune you think you are, but they WILL shut down your shop, they WILL track where you are getting the 3-5 pounds a week and someone WILL get arrested, even if you don't believe its you.
I am going to leave this open for now, but seriously drop the asshole act, its not helping you in anyway.
Lol I love how people get their information from movies. If you idiots must know its more like Lethal Weapon remember you fucking dummy's, when they couldn't just arrest the guy.
You sir, don't appear to have the social awareness nor grace to understand how a 5 year old account with just a few comments, posting this kind of drivel could make others skeptical of your genuineness. But, to have the nerve to call the same group of people you are appealing to "Einsteins" in a sarcastic manner, misspelled at that, as well as "fucking morons" is just icing on the cake. This has lead me to the conclusion that you lacks the ineptitude to formulate and see to fruition an entrepreneurial endeavor of this delicacy.
BTW> It's easier to make new friends if you don't act like a slightly musky, used douche to everyone.

Just my two cents. In the words of a friend, "I'm not a doctor, but I'll take a look down there for you."

Edit* There is no immunity to ignorance.
Lol I love how people get their information from movies. If you idiots must know its more like Lethal Weapon remember you fucking dummy's, when they couldn't just arrest the guy.
Oh yeah, thanks for clearing that up! Now go fuck yourself princess!