Calling all cannabis detectives!

banks dank

Active Member
Whats up everybody...

First time grower here trying to identify what exactly is going on with my plants...

pr2.jpg this looks like a bunch of yellow specs with the leaf drying...I kinda thought nute burn but i have been very humble with the amount
i have been using...i have been using 1/2 stregth nutes the entire time and have very very slowly pushed more on it in fear that this might be nute burn...I
have been using roughly the same amount of nutes since week 3 of according to fox farm nute schedule im not going overboard...

pr1.jpgwhy are these leaves curling up?
pr3.jpgKinda a overview on how the whole plant looks... the leaves that are drier and curled
are the ones that i supercropped but they never quite came back correctly...
pr4.jpgThis one is a big mystery to me...Its like gold staining...looks exactly like gold spray paint dried...looks almost like a chemical spilled on it or something...
pr5.jpglooks like high temps ravaged this but temps are under control....whats the deal?

Unfortunately guys this is a bagseed grow so i do not know the genetics...Humidity has been in the 30-40 percent range...Temps are steady high 70's...
The plants are all under a 1k light about 3 1/2 feet away....

Also i have supercropped some and all the leaves grow back but much darker and with speckles of broze discoloration...why?

My water schedule is once every 3-4 water with normal water then 4 days later i water with a humble amount of nute and this cycle repeats itself...
Am i giving to much nutes? to much light?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
the blue-green colour and burning is too much Nitrogen.

the curling leaves usually indicate too little water, or damage to the rootzone

the "gold paint" marks are likely necrosis from physical damage due to intense heat (sunburn) or fungal growth.

without more info, nobody can tell much more.

Light Type:

Light Wattage:

Light Distance From Foliage:

Volume of Pots:

Type of Soil:

Nutes Used:



Watering Schedule:

Volume of Water Given Each Watering:

High Temps:

Low Temps:

Humidity range:

Other Actions Taken Regarding Foliage (spraying leaves, pesticides etc):


Well-Known Member
alot of what i see is due to your combo of low humidity and high intensity light/heat..even if your watering enough you will see that leaf curl and crisping in low humidity..if you use a flourescent in veg instead your problem will go away, really more cost efficient and easier to manage the flouros and get a good tight plant since you can place them 2-4 inches from the plant...otherwise you can raise your humidity level to around 60 percent for veg and make sure not to spill nutes on the leaves themselves that can also cause the gold looking splotches!


Well-Known Member
I don't know shit, but when my plants looked like that it was because not enough nutes (not following manufacturer suggested dosage), . I would start there and pH. Also Check foxfarm's website and they may have a calculator so you know you have the most up to date dosages and easy math. Also, make sure if you are using a 2-3 part plant food, that you have all the parts ( i.e. flower and micro nutes may be needed o be combined for the complete nutrient solution that the plant needs in flowering stage).

banks dank

Active Member
alot of what i see is due to your combo of low humidity and high intensity light/heat..even if your watering enough you will see that leaf curl and crisping in low humidity..if you use a flourescent in veg instead your problem will go away, really more cost efficient and easier to manage the flouros and get a good tight plant since you can place them 2-4 inches from the plant...otherwise you can raise your humidity level to around 60 percent for veg and make sure not to spill nutes on the leaves themselves that can also cause the gold looking splotches!
So if i was to spill nute water on the leaves while i was watering then gold spots would appear on the affected areas?
Im pretty sure i have had nute water on the leaves but i do take care and try to not get any on the plant itself just the soil...

the humidity is rather low in my grow and i live in the desert so i think this may a part of the problem to...

I am not using foliar sprays or as i am worried that getting leaves wet and sitting under a 1k will burn them up...

banks dank

Active Member
the blue-green colour and burning is too much Nitrogen.

the curling leaves usually indicate too little water, or damage to the rootzone

the "gold paint" marks are likely necrosis from physical damage due to intense heat (sunburn) or fungal growth.

without more info, nobody can tell much more.

Light Type:MH

Light Wattage:1k

Light Distance From Foliage:3 1/2 feet

Volume of Pots: 1 gal

Type of Soil: ffof

Nutes Used:grow big/big bloom

Dosage:FF schedule 1/2 strength

Interval:every other watering i nute...

Watering Schedule: 3-4 days

Volume of Water Given Each Watering: 1/4 - 1/2 gal

High Temps:80

Low Temps:74

Humidity range: 30-40 percent

Other Actions Taken Regarding Foliage (spraying leaves, pesticides etc): none
Any help would be appreciated thanks man

banks dank

Active Member
PH in and out?
I have been making sure that the water i use is always ph'ed to 6.0...
However my runoff ph is insane like 4.0 or less...super hot...
Im using FFOF and from what i have been reading Ocean Forest
has a buffer and pretty much makes ph runoff completely inaccurate...
I dont know how true this is but i would love to hear others input...
Someone want to explain why FFOF runoff is so wacky?

Ph in 6.0 ph ph out 4.0

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I have been making sure that the water i use is always ph'ed to 6.0...
However my runoff ph is insane like 4.0 or less...super hot...
Im using FFOF and from what i have been reading Ocean Forest
has a buffer and pretty much makes ph runoff completely inaccurate...
I dont know how true this is but i would love to hear others input...
Someone want to explain why FFOF runoff is so wacky?

Ph in 6.0 ph ph out 4.0
your use of even 1/2 str nutes on a plant growing already fertile soil is too much fertilizer. Ocean Forest is nitrogen rich loam, packed with goodness right out of the bag. you shouldnt have to add any nutrients except some micro nutrient until the leaves start looking a little pale.

good soil like Ocean Forest shouldnt need anything more until the plant is way bigger, but by then you should pot it up to 5 gal or bigger anyhow, adding more good nutrient rich soil to the roots.

i only fertilize in soil when the plants are asking for it.

try just water for a week, and see if they dont perk up.

banks dank

Active Member
your use of even 1/2 str nutes on a plant growing already fertile soil is too much fertilizer. Ocean Forest is nitrogen rich loam, packed with goodness right out of the bag. you shouldnt have to add any nutrients except some micro nutrient until the leaves start looking a little pale.

good soil like Ocean Forest shouldnt need anything more until the plant is way bigger, but by then you should pot it up to 5 gal or bigger anyhow, adding more good nutrient rich soil to the roots.

i only fertilize in soil when the plants are asking for it.

try just water for a week, and see if they dont perk up.
Will do...

I added a humidifier as well so we shall see what happens...


Well-Known Member
i agree with the guy above you should not need to add ferts until around 8-11 inches on average in soil..yes spilling nute water on the leaves can burn them and this is easier to do with a low humidity..raise the humidity and skip a week on the nutes..less is more!


Active Member
I have been making sure that the water i use is always ph'ed to 6.0...
However my runoff ph is insane like 4.0 or less...super hot...
Im using FFOF and from what i have been reading Ocean Forest
has a buffer and pretty much makes ph runoff completely inaccurate...
I dont know how true this is but i would love to hear others input...
Someone want to explain why FFOF runoff is so wacky?

Ph in 6.0 ph ph out 4.0
Not so true, I use ocean forest, in is about 6.4-6.6 out is right around 6-6.1 and thats 23 weeks into flower where added nutes are present in soil.