calling all americans


Well-Known Member
hey , planning a trip to vagas.... whats the situation with tipping ? we dont have to tip anyone here (uk) although i (and most...) will tip if had a good meal or give the cab driver the change from a fare...

who and how much is do you tip ? 10%??

cheers kiss-ass


Active Member
Hey man. Hope you have a good time in America! Las Vegas is definitely a crazy place...just remember to stay safe. Not very far from the strip are some of the cities seediest spots.

Anyways, you should always tip your server at a restaurant (usually 15%), cab drivers get tipped (i'd say about 10%)...also tip if somebody brings in your bags to a hotel or something (a couple dollars will usually keep 'em happy).

Other than that, just enjoy yourself, man.


OK the thing with vegas jobs is that they all pay about minimum wage. so they rely on there tips. bartenders, waiters, valet bellmen or pretty much any job were they are doing a service needs at least one dollar. cab drivers and dealers get tipped to.


Well-Known Member
Make sure to tip the dealers too.

Oh and tip the shit out of the cocktail waitresses so they keep bringing you free drinks :)


Well-Known Member
cheers all, i dont mind tipping but i think our way of having everything priced into the service seems better !! so if i go to the bar a buy 2 drinks i tip each time they serve me ? and i go hit a blackjack table with a few 100 i tip before i play ? 10 dollars ? maybe more after if i win ??


Well-Known Member
cheers all, i dont mind tipping but i think our way of having everything priced into the service seems better !! so if i go to the bar a buy 2 drinks i tip each time they serve me ? and i go hit a blackjack table with a few 100 i tip before i play ? 10 dollars ? maybe more after if i win ??
First off, thank you very much for even asking. I worked in the service industry for many years and can tell you first hand, the moment a server catches on to the fact they've got a table of foreigners in their section, their motivation to do a good job for that table sinks like a lead balloon. Sorry, but that's just how it is. And no, 10% is a HORRIBLE tip percentage, and should only be done if the server themselves was responsible for one or many fuckups. If you're going to a NICE restaurant, 15% is considered an insult. Kind of like, "you're only tipping because you HAVE TO" is the message it conveys. 18-20%+ is considered industry standard at any fine dining restaurant with excellent service.

And with bartenders, same thing. One way to avoid having to keep reaching into your wallet for cash and overtipping though is to run a tab. Usually they'll ask you for a credit card first in order to do that. At the end, when you get your total, you can just write in the tip once and not get nickeled and dimed to death. Best of luck in Vegas!


Well-Known Member
ok , thanks for the comprehensive answer, 20% is an easy amount to get to and seems fair enough, (about what i pay here in a restaurant) does it not get on your nerves having to tip everyone for even the smallest of service though ?


Active Member
whats better,havin tips priced in or bein able to get away without tipping...ill take #2......but i will tip with good service...usually 20%,never less than 1 dollar


Well-Known Member
ok , thanks for the comprehensive answer, 20% is an easy amount to get to and seems fair enough, (about what i pay here in a restaurant) does it not get on your nerves having to tip everyone for even the smallest of service though ?
Not really. It's just a cultural thing I guess I'm used to, but resorts like Club Med have made a niche for themselves creating a concept of the all-inclusive vacation where you just pay for everything up front and don't have to deal with the hassle of tipping or even carrying money around.


Well-Known Member
whats better,havin tips priced in or bein able to get away without tipping...ill take #2......but i will tip with good service...usually 20%,never less than 1 dollar

have you ever not tipped ? i cant see myself doing that unless i somthing really bad happens


Well-Known Member
No, not shopping. As far as restaurants go, for the most part if you order your food from a counter, there's no tipping involved. If you go to one where you are seated first, then place your order, then tip. Coffee shops and delis are sometimes exceptions to that rule though.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies , anything else i need to know ... also what ae the chances il bump into anyone willing to sell some gear ??