Call the #riuhistorian

Yeah I guess it's not as bad a whisky and milk chasers.

I like my brandy with grapefruit juice and sugar. So delish!
That does sound good! My problem is I don't like fizzy drinks, I can manage a brandy and coke but I couldn't drink much like that and I want to drink much. There isn't really much else brandy goes with but I do like it in cocktails.
That does sound good! My problem is I don't like fizzy drinks, I can manage a brandy and coke but I couldn't drink much like that and I want to drink much. There isn't really much else brandy goes with but I do like it in cocktails.

Yeah you're right fizzy drinks kinda suck. I mix most of my drinks in juice.
cough "girl" cough

anyway.. you fold, make a w..roll the excess around.. put it in your roller, it expands and stays in your doob

ya i smoke fancy

big pimpin in da house
Spent nearly an hour making this joint and have come to two conclusions.
1. I'm drunk
2. You give terrible instructions, you should work for Ikea

And you can keep subtly doing the 'girl' thing all you like, I am not PMing you my tits :peace:
Spent nearly an hour making this joint and have come to two conclusions.
1. I'm drunk
2. You give terrible instructions, you should work for Ikea

And you can keep subtly doing the 'girl' thing all you like, I am not PMing you my tits :peace:
It's ok he has his pm box hidden from us all.

Mine on the other hand is open.

I like cats

Spent nearly an hour making this joint and have come to two conclusions.
1. I'm drunk
2. You give terrible instructions, you should work for Ikea

And you can keep subtly doing the 'girl' thing all you like, I am not PMing you my tits :peace:
can i send him the picture you sent me?
i printed it out and hung it on my fridge
Warms the cockles of my little heart does that, I'm beyond flattered.

I'm bored now, weird being sat here on my own. I'm going to take the dog out, I have a thermal takeaway cup full of booze and 2 joints made so I'm ready for anything. If there's nobody about I'm gonna be really disappointed.