Call f Duty 4


Too many brownies
Xbox live is can download full games...update your different things for your 360 download free game demos...all kinds of shit...its fuckign amazing.


Too many brownies
hahaha you are just mad because you bought a wierless connector, a hddvd drive a stupid wired head set and your 360 still dosent compare to the ps3

and you have to pay for xbox live,,,
but im sure it was still cheaper than that ps3..and the graphics look a little better. Ive got both so I know whats up :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
the graphics look better???? xbox isnt even hd compatible?? mabee you should sell your xbox and buy a hd tv so you can get the real effect of the ps3

i had both at one time but i sold my xbox before it got lost in a pile of dust


Well-Known Member
hahaha you are just mad because you bought a wierless connector, a hddvd drive a stupid wired head set and your 360 still dosent compare to the ps3

and you have to pay for xbox live,,,

sorry i have all the systems.

and as an all in one... the ps3 doesnt even come close.

hell it cant even touch the fucking WII.

its ashame that i bought 3 ps3s for 3 stacks, flipped 2 on ebay and the other one is just sitting around collecting dust...


because Sony doesnt know how to launch a fucking game system, DONT know how to get the online gaming strategy right, nor do they think practical.

the WII easily gets more play because it has games and its fun.

i only use my ps3 for another media extender and to watch my blu-rays on...not to mention use my remote play with the psp.

the 360 is by far the best system out. UNMATCHED online gaming. Compared to the ps3 and its games....the 360 is way more superior with better games.

dont hate on other game systems because you are just a fan boy!!!


Well-Known Member
sorry i have all the systems.

and as an all in one... the ps3 doesnt even come close.

hell it cant even touch the fucking WII.

its ashame that i bought 3 ps3s for 3 stacks, flipped 2 on ebay and the other one is just sitting around collecting dust...


because Sony doesnt know how to launch a fucking game system, DONT know how to get the online gaming strategy right, nor do they think practical.

the WII easily gets more play because it has games and its fun.

i only use my ps3 for another media extender and to watch my blu-rays on...not to mention use my remote play with the psp.

the 360 is by far the best system out. UNMATCHED online gaming. Compared to the ps3 and its games....the 360 is way more superior with better games.

dont hate on other game systems because you are just a fan boy!!!
your just mad because there arent enought little kids that have ps3 so you cant get your stats up like on the kiddy gaming systems...


Well-Known Member
xbox OWNS the ps3 when it comes to the online arena.

better platform, better GUI, better features.

on xbox i can chit chat with people on my buddy list.... on the ps3, i have to send an invitation and i cant leave out that screen


Well-Known Member
you obviously havent played the best game for ps3.. resistance, i blame cod for having a weak onine setup, resistance is the best online game out... up to 40 ppl in a game at a time... and gears of war was suposed to compare>>>>i dont think so with their 5 weapons and 8 person max online


Well-Known Member
your just mad because there arent enought little kids that have ps3 so you cant get your stats up like on the kiddy gaming systems...

lol....why would i be mad? i have every game system and game that i would ever want or need. i have everything. and if i dont have it, and i want it....i will go buy it, or my girl will get it.

you sure you aint just a cock riding sony fanboy? it sure seems like it. appreciate all game systems man, all have set the pace and trends for other systems including up & coming future/net gen systems. and each system also has its ups and downs

i have no reason to be mad..... lol. how could i be mad watching 100 plus inches of television in High Definition?????????

i could be playing the most kiddiest game like para the rappa or some shit and still be shitting on you with my big ass tv. i dont go to the movies no more, i am the fucking movie theatre!!!! so dont worry about me and my stats on my 'kiddy' game. they speak for themselves.



Well-Known Member
so how dose your magic xbox have hd??? unless you have the elite you dont have hd so it dosnt mater if you have 100 inches of hd or a 13 inch hybachi


Too many brownies
so how dose your magic xbox have hd??? unless you have the elite you dont have hd so it dosnt mater if you have 100 inches of hd or a 13 inch hybachi
the elite just comes with the cable...every 360 has an HDMI port...

I have mine hooked up to my 42 inch lcd...looks crystal clear :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
you're an idiot.

lol talking about how do i know i have

because my fucking screen changes resolutions and it tells me what resolution it changes to...retard.

but IM SURE you knew that since you claimed to have an HDtv....and ALL hdtv changes resolutions


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Yeah I have a 42 inch LCD hdtv with the PS3 hooked up through HDMI. The HDMI cables alone were 80 bills......Its fucking candy to my eyes:hump:

bush basher

Well-Known Member
i only wanted to know who was playing cod 4 on the pc so we could whip everybodys ass off. how bout gears of war? i can play against 360 players too?