Calimagic PPM in RO Water?


Well-Known Member
This is the first time I’ve ever measured the EC/PPM of just Calimagic. Everything I’ve seen online says that 5ml comes out to roughly 500ppm, however both of my TDS meters are showing that it takes 3ml to get my RO water to ~150ppm (.3 EC). Are my TDS meters both out of calibration or is this what others have seen with Calimagic as well? I just ordered a better meter, but in the meantime I would think even with cheaper meters, between the two of them, I should be able to get a somewhat accurate reading, but it seems most people i talk to, including a breeder i respect quite a bit, are saying that on the 0.5 scale that calimagic should equal out to 83ppm per 1ml. is everyone else getting roughly 83ppm per 1ml/gal? Or have other people gotten lower reading like mine, which would be roughly 50ppm per 1ml/gal.


Well-Known Member
This is the first time I’ve ever measured the EC/PPM of just Calimagic. Everything I’ve seen online says that 5ml comes out to roughly 500ppm, however both of my TDS meters are showing that it takes 3ml to get my RO water to ~150ppm (.3 EC). Are my TDS meters both out of calibration or is this what others have seen with Calimagic as well? I just ordered a better meter, but in the meantime I would think even with cheaper meters, between the two of them, I should be able to get a somewhat accurate reading, but it seems most people i talk to, including a breeder i respect quite a bit, are saying that on the 0.5 scale that calimagic should equal out to 83ppm per 1ml. is everyone else getting roughly 83ppm per 1ml/gal? Or have other people gotten lower reading like mine, which would be roughly 50ppm per 1ml/gal.
Hey shatter, found your post here. I have a question.
Its my first time using RO water.

Im using a mix of 50% peat moss 50% perlite

should I use Calimagic even before the seed sprouted?
If not, should I water only with pure RO water?

My RO water here is 3ppm so my concern is the ph.
I did read something about buffering the ph of RO water but it was a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
The electrical conductivity of CaliMagic is higher than calcium nitrate based calmags. 5ml/gal gives me over 0.6 EC (300ppm). I guess it's the calcium carbonate. I use 3/ml gal in flowering, not 5ml.
I've recently revisited the product House and Garden pH Osmosis Stabilizer. I use between 1 and 2.5ml/gal, depending how much I want to buffer the water. Then I add base nutrients, then cal mag last. This typically ends up with a pH in the 6.2-6.5 range. Without the stabilizer, and calmag first, I'd have to pH up from the low 5 range (or lower depending on your base nutes). This is all with RO water that starts at 0.01 EC.