caligirls grow!


Well-Known Member
Hey growtech, yea its the biggest darkroom i think 8x8.
Im doing SOG so i flowered those clones at like 6-9inches, but they got to 3-4ft tall so they stretched a bit. I was told by ALBFUCT that its a heat issue.


Well-Known Member
hey caligirl...plants are lookin awesome. I just got my first of 17 clones in soil today...but they are definitely gonna be some tall sativas like you have. it's normally 76-78 degrees in my house right now so hopefully they dont stretch too much on me. I am gonna run out of room with the girls you have goin look great!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Those tall ones look really really tall for your room, are they near the light at all or is that just a my perspective in the photo? They don't look like they have nearly begun flowering, are they going to stay that height or whats the plan?


Well-Known Member
yea they are getting to tall for my room, But there on week 4 of flowering so im pretty sure they stopped or will stop growing very soon. Because the plants are so tall I have to take the picture from kind of far so you cant see the flowering, but on the picture i zoomed up on the buds starting to form. =)


Well-Known Member
I put them in the EZ cloner for 2-3 weeks, that give em a littttttle bit of veg then go straight into flower,

ANd ofcource im in prop215 thats why i live in cali =)
could picked 12 others:-? gotta love the weather though, and the beautiful people. besides the fuckheads that dont smoke and need to chillllll out, and be real.

yea they are getting to tall for my room, But there on week 4 of flowering so im pretty sure they stopped or will stop growing very soon. Because the plants are so tall I have to take the picture from kind of far so you cant see the flowering, but on the picture i zoomed up on the buds starting to form. =)
they should stop in height and fatten up, the besssstt timee!
I once had to tie down my top cola. poor baby


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Well-Known Member
they faten up in the very last week of bloom, read on harvesting and perfect it, knowing when to harvest is key in yield, potency and taste...

there's a very good thread on here somewhere on harvesting


Well-Known Member
I have one from radio shack,
I want to get the strongest high possible from my plants so i would harvest when they are cloudy/amber?


Well-Known Member
hook up a update. I see the most ripening happen in the 6thth week for indica and 11th for sativa. Just hold on for the ride. try not to spoil your self looking at them and youll see them change over night..
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Well-Known Member
I have one from radio shack,
I want to get the strongest high possible from my plants so i would harvest when they are cloudy/amber?
god thats exaclty when you should, I dont understand people want to smoke less potent weed.... amber is the best color in the world... wanna try ?

headband amber glass which i made into a stabilized oil

