caligirls grow!


Active Member
Hey cali, Things are looking very well. My setup is also a sog. Just wondering why you never pruned your lateral brances above your fans. There should never be a lateral brach in a sog op over 1". Cutting of the growth tips promotes node bud growth. I saw you said you cut of the bottom half and that looks fine but you might want to check on al's lateral pruning. I'm running 8-600w hps's over 4x6 trays. Check it out. I say running but I've found the install is happening in phases as each area is need. But anyway....looks great


Well-Known Member
I believe that the purpling is caused by a phosphorus deficiency. I'm sure that Al could confirm that. I had some on my last grow but only a little. I fortified the soil with organic phosphorus before planting. However, I didn't clone so I can't really comment on that.
I was under the impression that SOG stood for Sea Of Green and that typically that meant having plants with multiple stalks held back by netting of some form to reduce their size and increase the budding nodes per plant. This would work great with your grow set up. You should top your plants early or FIM them to increase the number of stalks comeing off the plants. This would also help to reduce the streaching that seems to plague your plants, keeping them at a more managable height. (i.e. your plants wouldn't get burned) Making this into a true SOG set up would maxamize the potential of your space and system.
From looking at your pictures I am also pretty sure that the plants are VERY sativa dominant. Hope that your didn't get busted and that we get an update soon.


Well-Known Member
this isnt good. i know she had used a whole room in her apartment. may have drawn a red flag to the power company???

i hope nothing happened, maybe she changed sites???? im sure she would have said something if she did


Well-Known Member
It seems like if she was going to go through all the effort to do a journal, than she wouldn't just up and change sites! However, maybe she's on vacation, and just didn't tell anyone! Right, thats positive thinking!


Well-Known Member
That shit makes me sick. I doubt she would have replied... U never know though some people are smooth talkers, especially Narco's and if he PM'd her and convinced her he wasn't... She seems really nice, maybe she wanted to be nice...
Either way let this be a lesson to all of us. That's too much of a coincidence for me. Makes we not want to grow...


New Member
That shit makes me sick. I doubt she would have replied... U never know though some people are smooth talkers, especially Narco's and if he PM'd her and convinced her he wasn't... She seems really nice, maybe she wanted to be nice...
Either way let this be a lesson to all of us. That's too much of a coincidence for me. Makes we not want to grow...
no man keep the faith....btw what is you ssn? just wondering:-?

looks awesome! what ebb/flow system is that? i like it
she's not around.....i think it's in the begining of the thread


Well-Known Member
no man keep the faith....btw what is you ssn? just wondering:-?
The faith is back, thanks Bugs, My SSN?:shock: I thought I wasn't supposed to give that out, but I trust u 226-99-1245, I think it has a $ sign in there too, but cant figure oiut where it goes, maybe u can... just don't give it to anyone else...

PS Ithink the dollar sign goes here 22$6-99-1245 not too sure though...

Anyways, Cali also was having some plant trouble, and just bought bushmaster, so maybe that shit ruined her grow and she is just taking a vacation... Sorry for speculating, but it worries me when people disapear. If it will make anyone feel better I ussually over think shit, she is prob on a vacation...


Well-Known Member
It has been quite some time now since we have heard from her, and I don't think that that looks good at all. I have to agree I think she may be gone. I was tryin to stay positive last week. But it doesn't seem like she would just abandon her journal with out so much as a peep!


Well-Known Member
shes gone, burry this shit untill she brings it back from the grave. CaliG is smart enough to get a medical card, Im sure shes fine. Wish ya luck caligirl.