Californians Are The Dumbest People In The World!!!!!!!

Liberals voted to elect the same liberals that have been screwing them for years. Then they go and vote NO on 19. Hahahahahaha too funny!!!! Then they voted to pay a green house tax that they could have suspended until unemployment dropped to 5%. Hahahahahah!!!! again too funny! The rest of the country is thinking what a bunch of idiots!!!!! I was looking forward to california setting an example for the rest of the country, and make a clear statement about this stupid drug war. But I guess the people in california were stoned when they went to vote.


Active Member
Greed driven, just like the Liquor and Prescription drug industries.

Too damm stupid and greedy to give a damm about the rest of us. S
Thanks schwa! I was really disappointed in the outcome of prop 19 in California. We are trying to get a ballot measure here in Florida for 2012 on Medical MJ. PUFMM is working hard to get signatures here, and I believe California voters could have done a lot to help educate and destroy some of the fears associated with a harmless plant.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
My grandma used to say that living in Cali was like living in a bowl of cereal. What isn't fruits and nuts is flakes. I do however want to recognize their contribution. Without Prop 15 I doubt I would be living in a medial MJ state.


Active Member
My grandma used to say that living in Cali was like living in a bowl of cereal. What isn't fruits and nuts is flakes. I do however want to recognize their contribution. Without Prop 15 I doubt I would be living in a medial MJ state.
that def does sound like a total grandma saying pretty funny


Active Member
If you are basing intelligence on pro marijuana laws, I'd say there are like 50 dumber states?


Active Member
Not sure what Californians owe any one anything?
Is the rest of the world our little brother in regards to reform?
And for sure we don't really feel we owe the rest of the country much after 40 years of petition signing, sitting in the rain at lonely university picnic tables and or harassing folks asking to sign a petition to get prop 215 on the books.

Tell me how much have any of you done for us?

Hear is a little song for all the complainers of prop 19 and California.

This is the song we were NOT singing for you other states.
Because we are not the world lol..



Well-Known Member
Yes I agree greed has raised its ugly head in our camp. All of us stoners were supposed to be brothers. We were suppsed to fight this stupid prohibition together. As we can see human natuare, greed, has won out over brotherhood. With all the cali saying we have ours we dont see a problem go fight this yourself. Reminds me of a fable. Forgive me as I am a stoner, I belive it had to do with a group saying not our problem you need to fight the end they all fell. because they were divided. It is a sad sad day for all in this fight to make a FUCKING PLANT LEGAL!!


Well-Known Member
I'd be bummed too if I lived in a copy-cat state. Maybe Medical MJ was the downfall of Tax, Regulate and Control legislation. So, are you going to vote no on a medical MJ bill in your state or will you demand to have your cake and eat it too?