California Wants to Ban Vaporizors


Well-Known Member
I don't see a problem with this at all. I see tons of douchebags walking around smoking their e-cigs in public places and indoors all the time. I would say if tobacco smoking is banned in places, so should e-cigs. It's just an evolution of the law and not an attack on MMJ.........yet.


Well-Known Member
Didnt know People who smoke e-cigs were classified as Douchebags. What an enlightment of information.


Well-Known Member
Didnt know People who smoke e-cigs were classified as Douchebags. What an enlightment of information.
Not all of them are. Just the ones that do it because they can and start a funk about it. I have no problem with people that use them in general. The ones that I have a problem with are the ones that get loud and indignant when asked to step outside stating "It's just vapor!"

Those are the ones I classify as "Douchebags"


Well-Known Member
Not all of them are. Just the ones that do it because they can and start a funk about it. I have no problem with people that use them in general. The ones that I have a problem with are the ones that get loud and indignant when asked to step outside stating "It's just vapor!"

Those are the ones I classify as "Douchebags"
Rep to the very angrayblackman ahhaha Good Point! :mrgreen:
I see this all the time people smoking E-Cigs in places just to see if they can get someone to tell them something...Besides how long til scientist find this new vape to be just as bad as smoking cigs?


Active Member
Ive been using ecigs for the past 3 years to stop smoking analogs and i can tell you from personal experience that i feel 100 times healthier. But i still treat them like reg cigs, i dont go puffing away in the super market and stuff like that. All in all if i want to inhale nicotine and not reg cigs i should be able to. just my 2 cents ;)

