Will never, happen.some people can't handle shrooms. I has seen it lots.
It seems that a mayoral candidate in California, Kevin Saunders, has started a state wide initiative that would "decriminalize the use, possession, sale, transport and cultivation of mushrooms for adults over 21"
He cites the medical benefits of using psilocybin in the treatment of psychological disorders that range from cancer treatment to alcoholism.
Last year, researchers published the results of two separate clinical trials on the effects of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy on patients with cancer-related anxiety and depression. All told, between 60 and 80 percent of the subjects showed clinically significant reductions in both conditions after treatment. Patients reported that the benefits of a single dose of psilocybin along with therapy lasted up to seven months, with minimal side effects.
So, all California would have to do is get 365,880 stoners signatures to put it on next years ballot.
Can they do it, and make California a heads paradise?
You should try paragraphs.Last time i droped shroom i was fliping threw the chanells left it on some indian kid that couldnt walk like 9 uears old with a fucked up wheel chare had to to schools hella far and threw rivers and shit his lil lil brothers had to push him third world shit man i got stuck i cried for hours i sead to my self man we some fucked up mother fuckers man i hadnt had one like that before but fucked me up pritty good fucken felt like shit in a hole of humanity
Learn how to make spore prints on foil. There is a quite a demand for unusual cubes.I get P. Stuntzii growing in my backyard in the fall
Ill try paragraphs on the next story!You should try paragraphs.
But yes, I agree. Taking drugs makes you realize how easily ALL suffering could be ended if there was the mere will to do it.
Now THATS funnyI watched Star Trek (the old one) once tripping, and thought it was the news.
Sporeworks is legit as well. Gave it the old college try once 3+ years ago with their Ecuador strain.A syringe loaded with spores is under $20.