California: the sunshine state


Well-Known Member
Wow, no other nutes at all?
And how much do you add per gallon of water?

nothing else. lotsa love. 1 tablespoon per gallon. i would feed everyday until the very tips of the leaves turned white. then water heavy with straight water. then start the feeding again. that's a 1 gallon jug and i used 3/4 of it. i am now mixing nutes in 5 gallon buckets. :blsmoke:


i thought you used some sorta sugar additive too... looks like little pellets
liek molasses
or something

am i remembering right?


Well-Known Member
tsk tsk tsk, don't you read ian? lol im a fade-to-black-oholic i guess, but from what i have read, scouring every single post he makes, he stopped that in hopes of differing moths? am i right? do i get a cookie??lol


Well-Known Member
tsk tsk tsk, don't you read ian? lol im a fade-to-black-oholic i guess, but from what i have read, scouring every single post he makes, he stopped that in hopes of differing moths? am i right? do i get a cookie??lol

i even forgot that. yes, you are correct. you get the whole plate....

i'm tired of trying this and trying that. i only used 1 or 2 nutes 10 years ago and did well why not now. so i threw it all out the window. i want ONLY the full genetics of the plant to show. not enhanced, boosted, bursted, busted...... just good old fashion california green bud. all organic. :blsmoke:


i love you fdd

and don't worry beaner

i follow this man as a quasi-religion.. lol

you'll see what i mean soon enough

i love you all!!!


Well-Known Member
hehe, so if you and me are the followers, and he is our god, than who is the pope? mogie? hippy?

edit=haha Ian you bitch! I got peanutbutter cookies and you aint got shit! whos the apossle now mother fucker!!??!!??

lol JK IAN i love ya!


i think you care plenty!
i would love to join you
buck i'm stuck down in the desert

btw, i love those pink hairs
good one fdd!!!


i've been stuck with this iso hash all week though

its hard to do much at all i find...sept sleep when i get home froom work...

buy me a plane ticket and i'm on my way out there, but thats the only way i see i can make it... lol


Well-Known Member
I care! those are nice pink pistals. looks very nice FDD, Its been a long haul for that lady. Looks like you'll have meds all winter long and next winter and the winter after that, your backyard is a rainforest of Ganja, ahhh things I dream of