California outdoor

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
What a shame but i guess its all part of the game.

Ha. ha. ha.

Well I will see if I can convince my brother. If not I will either trash this one or keep it till I move out and flower it at my new place.

Thanks for the info!



Well-Known Member

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Yah I do ahah.

Well I got a no go on my brother taking in my plant.

I am guessing he is over his limit already and doesn't want to add more to that.

So I can't decide if its worth the time to keep my baby alive. If it ends up reveging I guess I am going to let her go to the grave. Seems like too much work for just one plant. I guess I could just take care of it till I move out and then move it indoors to flower.

But now that I am a better amount of knowledge on how to do this I think I a may scratch this grow and just go with the hashberry X whieRhino I plan on doing.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Not yet, I mean I may as well give her a few weeks to see if shes gonna actually flower or reveg or hermie.

Who knows :?

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Gave a super good watering today, real potent mixture. Buds are looking reall nice.

Hopefully they continue on this path and don't reveg. Go 91 genetics, don't fail me now! :blsmoke:

Have a wonderful sun shiny day!


Well-Known Member
hey bro.... i actually have the same thing goin on that you do haha... it was a seed from a blunt that got tossed into a pot and wasn't realized til it already budded and it looks like it shouldve been harvested like a month ago its tiny probably 2g dry weight but now its revegging lookin real good and getting bigger, still a pussy plant tho.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
yah well mine is some real nice genetics and was a clone.

Its about 2 feet tall now.

It hasn't started reveging yet, it may not.

Id rather it hermie than reveg.

But we will see.


Well-Known Member
you know, once it starts to re-veg, you can pick off the buds that are done, have some smoke, and in 3months it will do it all over again right.


Active Member
Try giving the plant some magnesium. If the yellow is appearing on older leaves. Put a teaspoon of epsom salts per gallon of water once a day when you water your plants.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Well today everything was looking real real good.

The past few days the suns been up around 7 and down at around 7:05

Which was good news.

Today It seemed to be rather late and still sunny. Was 8 oclock and still the sun was up!! :evil:

we will see tho


Well-Known Member
Nope, no Apple/Mac or Linux. This is a Windows executable only.
download this and plug in your location. It tells you how much light you are actually getting every day.

Sunrise Sunset Calculator by Sun Creations

Southern California is getting about 14.3 hours of useable light right now.
Approximately 13h 44m total daylight hours for me. Couldn't find my city, but found about the nearest one. We're fortunate in that we don't have deep forest coming all the way up to the house, either, so we have a nice little patch of sunlight.

You don't even need to download anything (and I can't on my Linux machine), you can just find your nearest city for an easily accessible online calendar. There are other programs and sites that do this, but this one is good, too. :)

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Well I checked out my baby today, brought along some regular ph'd water and my dinky camera.

It was real real hot last weekend and I gave it a good watering. I haven't watered since monday so I just skipped a day.

Plant looks real nice, super smelly. I assume because of the heat I lost the purple buds. I bet if it cools down again they will start to turn purple. But doesn't really matter much to me.

Plus no signs of revegging which is awesome. Even though I have no idea what it will start to look like if it does begin to reveg. I just know that the buds look farther on there path to harvesting!

Another big plus is I graduated today! Good stuff, pretty nice accomplishment.

Now on to find a full time job :(

The working man....noo :-|

haha yah right! Bachelors degree isn't enough for me.

I think I'm going to go get my masters in botany, or agriculture. But we will see. Looking at chico, or calpoly both have good programs, but who really knows.

Anyway here are the photos. Enjoy.

:peace: & <3 friends.
