California license plate 4hzt408 , can anyone look up license plates ?

4hzt408 Ca . can anyone please look this up if you can ?

this person sits across the street from my house looking my direction writing shit down

can anyone please help im freaking out !


Well-Known Member
Uh....that's creepy. Ever though of just going out and confronting him? Asking him why he's sitting outside? I couldn't see it doing any bad. Very Weird indeed


Active Member
Help yourself out and go over and ask that asshole what the hell he thinks he's doing in front of your house writing shit down. Ask for identification too.


Well-Known Member
maybe hes parked in front of his lovers home..(across the street from yours) looking the opposite way so she doesnt notice him.. and hes writing a poem?

Honestly I dont think id go out and confront him.. cuz than it would show him i noticed him.. so if you WERE to engage him.. say you went to bathroom to take a shit and you noticed him looking at ur house.. than when u finished 10 minutes later (make sure to say ten minutes later) that you still noticed him there.. or better yet! call the police anonomously and pose as ur neighbor or a PG&E guy and say you want to report suspicious acitivity of a man you believe is planning out a home invasion...


Well-Known Member
Go outside and start taking pictures of him in his car so he can see you. See how he reacts to that.


Well-Known Member
if its not a government plate then i dont think he would be there for the law. maybe though.


bud bootlegger
i would simply do what someone else has already said and call the police on him.. if they don't show up in a few minutes, then you know that they know that he is already out there and doing his job, ie, being a cop..
if they do come out when you call them, then you should get your answer.. either way, you will get an answer.. it would freak me out as well..


Active Member
"Call the Police on Him"? REALLY?
And what law would you suggest the guy is breaking by sitting in a car and writing on a piece of paper?
Do you honestly think that the cops are gonna waste their time for some guy sitting in his car writing
who cares-what when people are getting raped and murdered etc? I'm just asking!
If you call the Police and don't have good reason-to, you may be charged with filing a false-report.

i would simply do what someone else has already said and call the police on him.. if they don't show up in a few minutes, then you know that they know that he is already out there and doing his job, ie, being a cop..
if they do come out when you call them, then you should get your answer.. either way, you will get an answer.. it would freak me out as well..


bud bootlegger
there is no law that he maybe breaking, but i've seen my neighbor call the cops for this exact reason.. there was a car sitting out in front of their house for a couple of minutes, and they thought that it looked odd to them, and the cops were there in under 5 minutes or so.. turned out to be some couple fighting i think, but yah, you can always call the cops on any suspicious activity that you see near your house..


bud bootlegger
just call them up and tell them that you've seen someone parked out in front of your house for however long they have been out there for and just simply say it looks supicious to you and could they come out and see what is going on with the car.. say it looks like he's casing your joint out or whatever, but i don't think you've got to say anything more than a suspicious car is parked out in front of your home in order for them to come out to investigate..


Active Member
I guess if they have time between stopping rapes and murders, they might show-up to investigate a guy sitting in a car
writing on a piece of paper. I didn't know that was considered illegal or suspicious activity. My bad!


bud bootlegger
you wouldn't be making a false claim unless there really isn't a guy sitting out in front of your house.. you can't get into any trouble for doing so, just say that your part of the neighborhood watch group, lol..


bud bootlegger
I guess if they have time between stopping rapes and murders, they might show-up to investigate a guy sitting in a car
writing on a piece of paper. I didn't know that was considered illegal or suspicious activity. My bad!
well, unless you have people sitting outside of your house writing shit down everyday, i would consider it suspicious, lol..


Active Member
Maybe it's a crime where you are for somebody to be parked in front of your house writing on paper.
I stand corrected! Yes, I would consider it suspicious. Something that I would keep an eye-on.
However, I wouldn't consider it worth calling the police over. In which case, they will come to your house
and ask You alot of questions if they have time to even show-up for such a terrible crime.
If you have a grow in your house, do you want police presence and attention at your grow location?
I wouldn't. But whatever floats your boat.


bud bootlegger
Maybe it's a crime where you are for somebody to be parked in front of your house writing on paper.
I stand corrected!
i never said it was a crime, i just said that you could easily call the cops and have them come out to ask the person in the car what he is doing.. its not really something that i would do as i wouldn't call the cops even if i was bleeding out of my eye balls, but like i've said, i've seen my neighbor do it more than one time, and the cops do come out to see what was going on..
i'm not sure where you live that the cops are too busy responding to rapes and murders to investigate some suspicious activity, but i would think about moving if i were you..