California Dream Grow (Skywalker Og)

Okay guys so i know i got a crappy camera and all ..
I had to do it ... im such a cheap asshole ya know....
I have my reasons ...
Youve probly all heard my sobb story on how i lost my camera...not sure how????

Well truthfully i didnt want my plants to look so dank in fear .... that a newb grower might feel imcompetent
Im kiddinng...Im just happy too have went to the market to get a new camera.....
I pretty much thought ill just get the cheapest camera .. with descent quality....
Picked up a chepo for 50 dolllars +tax and supplies .. i was out about 70 dolars....



At this time its kinda pointless ...
Seeing the same images over n over is just getting ol ...
Im ready just too start smoking lou ukno?

All this really is was just me trying to grow dank like everyone else....
And its seems finally.... ive arrived....
Peace ......
Its a cut thats over 17yrs old...
I sourced from the grower..he runs a couple shops but choices to remain anonymous....
Just a cool cat from my suburb....who purchased the cut 10 odd years back
So yeah i was jus thinking....
Chem has allot of heads.....
Most of them are tipping over ..
Along with many other branches....
Not much new growth ....

Since i see chemdog being the only strain i have to lean sativa ...
I figured ... ill let em go 9-10.....
He's really starting to purple up on the leaves....

I mean i just cant start choping him down ..its barely been 50 days....

I dont care how good of a grower you are ... there is no way you should chop anything ill atleast 54 days ukno????



I would never do some dumb shit like that ....would I??




chem d lives
this camera i got is nice n all..
But it sucks when it comes to picking up trich coverage....
These chem heads are really a shimmery sight to behold....
Some of the buds are just amazing looking...
Might have to trade this cam in for something that can take close ups.....
but u get the idea.....
Thanx mary....
Now I know we tend not to read instructions on camera, or anything else for that matter, lol. But check to see what the min distance you can be from the object you are taking a picture of. It's better to get a trich shot by just standing back a bit and then when you have the pic in whatever editor you use, just zoom in and crop the outside off. MY camera will not focus at anything really well that is within 25cm of it.
I tried that .....
With this camera ...
And even after editing the contrast n brightness...(usually now i just auto fix)...
Its still was blurry...
My friends camera pics ,last harvest, were easy to crop...but theses some odd 8mps are not working....
Trust me D..... ive have at least 200 pics... n i only posted about 20....
Im cutting down more chem at the moment...looks like quite a yielder(thinkin 3 oz)

The chem doesnt really smell anything like og to me.....(which im happy about.. wantd some chem not og)
It does however have a slight fuellyness, chem smell..... but more kind of a chocolatey earthiness...
Reminds me kinda like the Kandy Kush (Trainwreck x og), Not fruity at all , more minty musk......
Definately seeems lke chem is more of the skunk variety....