Pleased to see you have made it
funny thing i posted your pics on my other website .... and people started callling me king cheez again lol....
i cant believe people think i could grow out plants like u ... fools i tell
We all bow to King Cheeze! lol ...sounds a bit like a burger though lad. I'd opt for something else, just saying, hehe. And you are far to modest, there are some extremely frosty looking specimens in dem der pics. May be I am a fool though, probably...
I say go ahead and let them believe that. I don't mind doing all the work behind the curtain and lettin you take the credit. Who's gonna know?
The smell is so strong already, it isn't even funny. These are senstive and delicate compared to those wild looking Diablos I grew out last... but it is a more potent herb. I can tell already by the look and especially the smell.
i didnt come up with the name king cheezey ... i swear it did...
My handle was the louie ambassador
Back in the room... see how simple the setup is....
can barely open my eyes....yawwwnnn
smokin too much buuba lately...
Looks similar.
i was thinking the same thing....
is that the old resin bong ???? i liked the resin.....