Calicleaner spray need help please possible mites


New Member
I noticed this morning that with a magnifier i can see tiny orangish bugs at my flowing spots and what looks like eggs at the base of some of my leaves on top. Has anyone tried the calicleaner method and if so how much can i spay on my plant. thanks a ton

fs psyco

HOW TO APPLY Calicleaner
1.) Put on gloves, and wear a mask, or at least put a bandana around your nose and mouth.
2.) Turn off all fans - you do not want this spray in your eyes!!!
3.) Spray the bottom of EVERY leaf - starting with the bottom leaves first, work up to the top.
4.) After the bottoms are done, hit the tops and the stems.
5.) Squirt liberally in new leaf pods - tightly wound new leaf growth (the small mites hide there).
6.) Get the heck out of the room till it clears.
7.) Repeat procedure with each plant.
8.) Spray the soil, the pots, and the floor or earth around the area to kill dropping mites and stop migration.
9.) Wash hands with soap and water when complete - the stuff will heat-up skin for 4 hours.
10.) DO NOT WORRY. Though the stuff is lethal to mites, the plants love it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, trolls on this site have been driving me crazy lately
So crazy that you dug up a post from 2013 that was all people who never went beyond 'member' or 'new member' to voice your dissatisfaction about the recent trolls? Who knows what fs psycho's plants look like...he's not been to RIU since November of 2013.

Also, posting this to an ancient thread proves that 'driving me crazy lately' is more about you and less about the site having more trolls now.