Cali outdoor SLHaze, Bubba Kush, AK-47, and Red Dragon.

Ol' Scrumpy

:eyesmoke:Very nice. They look real nice and healthy.
Have they gone back to veg yet? How exactly does that work? I always just cut a clone to sex...never heard of going 12-12 and then back to veg. Doesn't that run the risk of getting hermis?

That train wreck is no joke. You should get those in the ground. It is a quick finisher and when you hit it....IT HITS BACK! Thats actually what I grew for my very first grow like 9 years ago. I had no clue what I was doing, and looking back I realize that I harvested way to early and yet it was still better than some bud I have grown proper since then.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
:eyesmoke:Very nice. They look real nice and healthy.
Have they gone back to veg yet? How exactly does that work? I always just cut a clone to sex...never heard of going 12-12 and then back to veg. Doesn't that run the risk of getting hermis?

That train wreck is no joke. You should get those in the ground. It is a quick finisher and when you hit it....IT HITS BACK! Thats actually what I grew for my very first grow like 9 years ago. I had no clue what I was doing, and looking back I realize that I harvested way to early and yet it was still better than some bud I have grown proper since then.
Yeah I don't think this way of sexing is more stressful so I hope I don't run into any hermi's. It's definatly gonna take longer. I never heard of cloning for sex until I found RIU. Ahh the Internet is a beautiful thing... If I knew about that method I would have tried it. It's funny I know like ten growers who have used the 12/12 method for ever. When I told them about cloning for sex they flipped and said "why haven't I thought of that." Lol

I wish I had some Train Wreck! The Attitude sent me different freebies then they said they would. They sent me two Blue Fruit, Blue Hash, Blue Widow and White Widow. The White Widow died early on.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Fed the plants 1/2 tbls today and gave them a couple hours of sunlight. Dug 2 more holes too so that is 4 of 6 done. I'm not liking the uneven growth the plants have. They are sufficating eachother in that closet. Im trying to get them out as soon as I can but we have a rain storm here for the next couple of days. Going to wait till Saterday or Sunday to plant. Gunna take me that long to finnish everything up anyway.


Yeah thanks man, i'll be watching closely. Im going to start a little journal here in the next week showing my 1st real attempt at growing, looks real good at the moment. The only bad thing is, I have no idea what kind of plants I have just a bunch of good bagseeds lol Oh well weed is weed no matter what right ? :P:joint:

Ol' Scrumpy

I wish I had some Train Wreck! The Attitude sent me different freebies then they said they would.
AHH THAT SUCKS, MAN! Well, at least you got some good strains out of the deal anyway. I have seen pictures of that blue widow and it looks sick!

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Yeah thanks man, i'll be watching closely. Im going to start a little journal here in the next week showing my 1st real attempt at growing, looks real good at the moment. The only bad thing is, I have no idea what kind of plants I have just a bunch of good bagseeds lol Oh well weed is weed no matter what right ? :P:joint:
Sounds good man and I wouldn't really worry about the bagseed. Alot of quality is just good growing. Sure there's bad genetics out there but most weed is good if grown right. The best thing about legit strains is you know how it grows and what your gunna harvest. I grew out 2 diffrent bagseed last year and had 6 completely diffrent plants. Smell tast everything. But 2 of the plants turned out super cronic. One very blueberry plant and another kushy.

AHH THAT SUCKS, MAN! Well, at least you got some good strains out of the deal anyway. I have seen pictures of that blue widow and it looks sick!
Yep should still be fire I hope. The Blue Widow I have is the stinkiest of all the plants. Smells awsome!

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Got 5 hole dug now and I'm going to finish number 6 today. The girls have got use to natural sunlight but when I bring them back under the 1000 they lean over for a few hours. ? It's supposed to fucking snow here tomorrow so if it's not to cold the day after I'll transplant. I still have to buy another pallet of soil too. That will bring the cost of this opp to $1,900. Shit I hope it all works out.


Me and my buddy are thinking about getting some Northern Lights to grow this fall indoor If we can get this outdoor thing to work out. Forecast is for sun all week with 75 + degrees of heat and lows to 60. Depending on how my babies take the good weather I could have pics up by Monday. 3 of my babies are on the 5th set of leaves and there only 2 weeks old and growing in the canadian outdoors, i'd say they must be champs ! lol.. As for the money issue, just think about how much u spend on weed in the run of a year. In 3 years time if u can get over a pound out of those new lights u will certianly make the money back and then some brother.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Sounds like excellent weather my man. I wish it would warm up here all ready. It's 36 degrees right now. Highs in the 50s low 30s. This hella sucks because I want my girls in the ground now! It's looking like it's gunna be this cold for a week. Shitty.

Yeah I know the lights will make their money back. It's all just one big investment. That's what I keep telling my self anyway and it sure is a fun hobby. So it's worth every penny to me. I just hate spending money lol.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
I'm thinking about transplanting today but it's supposed to rain Wed, Thu, and Fri. With highs of 60 and lows of 40 all week. There's also a frost advisery tonight. They need to get use to weather sooner or later right? I bought another pallet of soil and filled all 12 holes but I still haven't decided what I'm going to do yet...

Ol' Scrumpy

You don't want to put them out if you're expecting a frost tonight. They probably wouldn't get killed, but they would most likely get a shock, and you definitely don't want that.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
What do you guys think about me planting today? It's supposed to rain all week until Saturday. Still looking at high 60s and low 40s.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Well I put 2 Red Dragon, 2 Bubba Kush, a Blue Hash, and a Blue Widow outside yesterday. I watered each of them with a gallon of water an a tbsp of B1 plant starter. They all seem to have took it well no limping or wilting of any kind. Here they are right after bing planted.

Checked on them later this morning and one of the dogs got in and dug a little soil out of a hole. No damage but I'm going to have to reinforce the fence.