cali orange G0ds3nds first grow


'yes im a ganja planter'
Hi this is my first grow the main 2 are 17 days old where the other 2 are 2 days old from sprout. I got the seeds from nirvana and im growing these four to get a mother plant so just thought id do a grow journal as its my first time growing and im reallyyyyyy excited so all you guys comment and ill upload more pics every 12 hours if requested



Well-Known Member
The oldest of mine have been in pots 3 weeks...I'm hoping they look as good as yours in another week or so! :)


'yes im a ganja planter'
ive had to stop growing for a month as im having a family member stay over for abit and i cant take the risk lol so ill be up and running again soon with a new journal


Well-Known Member
Subscribed! I wana see how yours turn out. I'm flowering 7 cali orange right now. Started off with 8 but managed to literally murder one :( NOT GOOD!