Observe & Report
Well-Known Member
When did I sing their praises?But do continue singing their praises when you "don't follow" news about them.
When did I sing their praises?But do continue singing their praises when you "don't follow" news about them.
Thanks for the insightful answer. And yes pretty much exactly what Canada has now with the new legislation being debated to pretty much ban handguns for the general public, and renewed registration that was canceled by the last goverment, and a few other things. The gun registry did allow, and still does, warrantless search of storage of restricted weapons as well here.The high capacity law in California, in my opinion was a political knee-jerk reaction and not much about any real effort at regulating guns. What CAN be done in the short term is study the problem looking for solutions that aren't draconian "takes yer gunz away" laws. The Republicans and Russia's NRA have been squelching the NIH from even studying the problem, leaving the matter up to fascist goons in law enforcement to decide what to do.
So, let's get started funding research into a system of knowledge-based recommendations to put into the hands of lawmakers that have validity and thought put into them.
Without waiting for that, there are common sense actions that could be taken such as:
Tighten and fund gun background checks that give time and resources to do an adequate check on EVERY gun sale.
Require guns be kept in locked safes with ammunition stored somewhere else.
Require all new guns be registered before delivery to a registered owner who is by law responsible for damages by that weapon even if it is stolen.
New guns to be restricted in capacity and any modifications to that gun to accept high volume magazines will be considered a serious offense.
Gun nuts react to such a list by saying the cops will be breaking down doors to do gun inspections. That's not necessary but if a gun hurts somebody, the gun owner had better be able to prove it was stored according to regulations and show how the safe was broken into. This is just a suggestion of what I think could be done. As I said earlier, I'd like to see the US use Canada's system as a model for our own.
I understood that Canada was limiting hand guns by making them very hard to justify purchasing and transporting them. I think that if a gun is stolen, the owner had better be able to show he had it stored properly or be liable for damages if that gun hurts somebody. I don't have a problem with stiffer regulations on hand guns but think that mindlessly banning them isn't necessary. I do think that the stakeholders in the gun industry including gun owners should pay for enforcement of these laws. Maybe not all but a large portion through taxes, registration fees and, perhaps, pay for a form of insurance that settles damages when people are harmed by guns.
He gets confused easily.When did I sing their praises?
When did I sing their praises?
The NRA is a Russian lobby??
yeah but what does the NRA have to do with Russia?
I have a few for my socom16 and other m1a’s but a 20rd would be nice, i aint gonna lie.Ive bought extra magazines also. Makes it easy to put rounds on a target.
What are cartridges? Lols
Saving lives is a little more important than me having just a little bit more fun blowing shit up.
...are you crazy enough to want to make mass murder easy?
that's just as bad...not caring about others is a lack of empathy...lack of empathy makes you a sociopath...it's just a matter of degree.It's not that they're crazy.
It's that they don't give a damn about anybody or anything except themselves and what they want.
lol, I guess anything short of stern condemnation is "defending them staunchly" I think TacoMac has gone full SJWYou defended them staunchly to every post regarding how corrupt and morally bankrupt they are.
LOLlol, I guess anything short of stern condemnation is "defending them staunchly" I think TacoMac has gone full SJW
What's the matter with supporting justice?lol, I guess anything short of stern condemnation is "defending them staunchly" I think TacoMac has gone full SJW
I can agree with the gun nuts on one this one issue.there's no reason to have more than ten rounds in any magazine of any weapon....if you can't kill an animal to eat with ten rounds, starve. if you can't put an intruder down with ten rounds, you suck and a thousand rounds wouldn't be enough...
if you want them for fun, tough shit, your fun can be turned into a way to kill a shitload of people quickly, find something else fun to do....
simple as that...any argument is basically arguing for making mass murder easy....are you crazy enough to want to make mass murder easy?
nope...not takin the bait.. the whole thing is stupid, and i'm not arguing about stupid shit....argue with someone else...I can agree with the gun nuts on one this one issue.
If we are going to make it easy for nearly everybody to arm themselves with high capacity, high power killing machines then it makes no sense to deprive peaceable people from owning them. With everything but a nuclear bomb easily purchased in Nevada and Arizona, anybody who wants one can have them. Only the law abiding people in CA would be affected by this law.
I'm not saying the effort isn't worthwhile but the judge's ruling wasn't wrong.
come back to us.I can agree with the gun nuts on one this one issue.
If we are going to make it easy for nearly everybody to arm themselves with high capacity, high power killing machines then it makes no sense to deprive peaceable people from owning them. With everything but a nuclear bomb easily purchased in Nevada and Arizona, anybody who wants one can have them. Only the law abiding people in CA would be affected by this law.
I'm not saying the effort isn't worthwhile but the judge's ruling wasn't wrong.
Totally agree that the SCOTUS is conveniently ignoring the "well regulated" portion of the second. I want to see regulations, better yet a WELL regulated militia. We now have a SCOTUS that is stacked against what you and I want. It's going to take a new amendment to end their bullshit.come back to us.
Some shit we just don't need. No need for either to have.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
regulate- control or supervise, control or maintain.
I'm not advocating for an unregulated environment.nope...not takin the bait.. the whole thing is stupid, and i'm not arguing about stupid shit....argue with someone else...
there's no reason to have more than ten rounds in any magazine of any weapon....if you can't kill an animal to eat with ten rounds, starve. if you can't put an intruder down with ten rounds, you suck and a thousand rounds wouldn't be enough...
if you want them for fun, tough shit, your fun can be turned into a way to kill a shitload of people quickly, find something else fun to do....
simple as that...any argument is basically arguing for making mass murder easy....are you crazy enough to want to make mass murder easy?