Cali Hash in Coir - leaf curling?


Active Member
Evening all, been a while since I posted anything, and unfortunately I come again with a possible issues with my new baby plants.

I have 3 Cali Hash plants from Dinafem I planted 3 weeks ago. I decided this year to grow in coir, and I'm actually pretty amazed at the growth rate since using this method - they are shooting upwards!!. Thing is, not sure if something's wrong. I know using coir you need nutes and constant watering (these are exterior plants only and brought in at night due to still cold weather here in Spain).

I've attached a few pics, do any of you guys think something might be wrong? Leaves look a little twisted to me. Still early days I know, but after last years fiasco, wanted to check in with the experts here.

Thanks for your time.



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it too much, happened with my current grow and all that happens is that life goes on, the leaves get bigger and a 50/50 chance of still having that 'curl' to your leaf which doesn't do any harm to it at all.


Well-Known Member
I grow in with a DWC system and i see the same thing with mine right now. When the second set of leaves came out and the plants started picking up growth speed. I think it might be a side effect of fast growth. But that's just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
i always pre-flush, pre-soak, and charge my coco before using it.
first I rinse it with as much water as possible "flushing" it
then, i give it about double the volume of water, to coco. from here I adjust pH to 5.0. The pH will rise from here, I keep it at 5.8 after it rises (using pH down)
after pH stabilizes (~3 days) i dump that water, then add 1/4 strength nutes and pH back to 5.8 ; this is what i call charging
you might be slightly overfeeding if you are, ive only noticed this type of stuff when i over do it with nitrogen. thats just my exp.