Update. PICS
1) Still no Balls on Berry Ryder yet. Been 14 days spraying TM & CS today..Looks like she's trying though. BR on left of PIC1, AKR on right, Dumpster upfront.
2) Pineapple Express BUD porn for yaz. Nice purplish tint. Was about 8" bud now done to few inches...
3) WEEK 8 pics. Garden of Plenty. Been 8 weeks total since germinating seeds for both AKR and BR. Got about another 3 weeks left even though they are AUTOs. Time to trim some fan leaves today.
4) BR bud coming on slowly but she'll get there.
5) Found stash I forgot about (stoner!) of BR seed mama buds. Was left in mason jar and ended up a little moldy....been in there since last year. Taste and looks like shit but bud still gets you way high...and still sticky.
I figure when smoking lighter kills all the mold anyway....least that my rationale...just trying to hold out until harvest time...3-4 more weeks.
Happy to see all your posts and progress!!!
You show me yours and I'll show you mine.