Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate (Gypsum) in a foliar feed

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
Hello, I’m thinking about supplementing some calcium to my plants via a foliar spray. I haven’t and don’t spray anything else on them. They have a deficiency and going back to well water dosent seem to be enough to fully stop it.

A few questions, can I do this in later flower where I’m at or will I provoke bud rot? Would I be better off simply adding this to my normal watering formula instead?
Thanks for any and all answers.
Foliars with Calcium work faster than thru the roots. You can do it, but you are risking budrot at this stage. I use foliar during veg for calcium deficiency with good results, but avoid it during bloom.
Foliars with Calcium work faster than thru the roots. You can do it, but you are risking budrot at this stage. I use foliar during veg for calcium deficiency with good results, but avoid it during bloom.

Thanks. I know some people spray things with sulfur in them to get rid of pests and mold, I was curious whether the sulfur in the gypsum would help it work like that as an added benefit. I’ll hold off on the foliar, and just keep up with my root drenches and add gypsum to the solution.
Put some egg shells in Apple cider vinegar or brown rice vinegar, preferably the latter cuz of the extra benefit of aminos, (ratio = 1 part egg shells / 10 parts vinegar) & let it bubble until the reaction is complete then strain & use at 3ml/gal root drench or foliar(if you were in Veg)
Put some egg shells in Apple cider vinegar or brown rice vinegar, preferably the latter cuz of the extra benefit of aminos, & let it bubble until the reaction is complete then strain & use at 3ml/gal root drench or foliar(if you were in Veg)

Ive seen this recently and it looks amazing because I have eggs coming out of my ears due to having chickens. I read it could take a few days so I ran and picked up some gypsum. I will start this so I have product for future endevours. thanks for the extra bit about brown rice vinegar I did not know that.
It won't provide any calcium in a foliar. Even the solution grade does not dissolve enough to be of any benefit in a foliar spray. It's best used for the substrate. Calcium chloride which is highly soluble is what you want for a foliar or just make your own with eggshells.

Eggshell on the left bonemeal on the right.

It won't provide any calcium in a foliar. Even the solution grade does not dissolve enough to be of any benefit in a foliar spray. It's best used for the substrate. Calcium chloride which is highly soluble is what you want for a foliar or just make your own with eggshells.

Eggshell on the left bonemeal on the right.

I've been curious about trying calcium chloride, it seems like cannabis sap tests usually show high chloride anyways so I wonder if a foliar would help with charge balance inside the plant as well as give calcium. I know it's a popular foliar in orchards to stop bitterpit and all sorts of rot/soft spot type issues across the industry.
I recently added this to my regiment and I've been very happy with the results. It is a little less soluble than other additives but a little stirring is all that is needed. If and when you reach a point where Calcium Nitrate is providing too much N, this is what I've been using to keep the Calcium levels where I want them.
yeah that's the right calcium chloride. Shit works great on tomatoes. Cherokee purple is the most calcium hungry variety of tomato I've ever grown. I had a large portion of my farm growing that variety and all the fruit had blossom rot or deformed tomatoes. The calcium chloride takes care of calcium deficiencies quickly...except on cherokee purple. You really can't do anything except start off with perfect soil. I'll never grow that strain again. Black Krim is a way better plant. Produces more fruit and not nearly as calcium hungry. I've never used it on weed but I figure it would work the same way. You can also mix a little with plain water and irrigate with it rather than foliar spray.
I recently added this to my regiment and I've been very happy with the results. It is a little less soluble than other additives but a little stirring is all that is needed. If and when you reach a point where Calcium Nitrate is providing too much N, this is what I've been using to keep the Calcium levels where I want them.
Are you using hydro?
What ppm of calcium chloride are adding to your nutrient?
Are you using hydro?
What ppm of calcium chloride are adding to your nutrient?
I was not using Calcium Chloride, I used Calcium Sulfate. Once I dropped Nitrogen to the point where Calcium Nitrate was not providing enough Calcium, i began using ~0.85 grams per gallon. I'll have to check on the exact PPM's.
I was not using Calcium Chloride, I used Calcium Sulfate. Once I dropped Nitrogen to the point where Calcium Nitrate was not providing enough Calcium, i began using ~0.85 grams per gallon. I'll have to check on the exact PPM's.
Thank you, i should've been clear in my 1st post, i've tried doing a bit of research but I can't make sense of the different types calcium available (foreign language) I'm looking to treat a calcium deficiency should it arise I don't expect it but its cheap to have at hand along with epsom salts rather than buy calmag.
I've 1kg of epsom and ordered 1kg of calcium chloride is that a alternative to calmag, if it's not what should I be buying?


@Milky Weed I hope you don't mind the questions they're about adding calcium :-)
Thank you, i should've been clear in my 1st post, i've tried doing a bit of research but I can't make sense of the different types calcium available (foreign language) I'm looking to treat a calcium deficiency should it arise I don't expect it but its cheap to have at hand along with epsom salts rather than buy calmag.
I've 1kg of epsom and ordered 1kg of calcium chloride is that a alternative to calmag, if it's not what should I be buying?


@Milky Weed I hope you don't mind the questions they're about adding calcium :-)
As far as im concerned, this could be a calcium only thread lol. its the only nutrient i cant dial in so far its a pain. im learning to work with it, no catastrophes yet.