Calcium Peroxide

Dr G.Thumb

Well-Known Member
Anyone here mix in Calcium Peroxide with their soil prior to planting ? I'm curious how well it works or how much of a benefit it can provide.

Brief description for anyone unaware of what it is...

Calcium Peroxide is a time release supplier of oxygen designed to be mixed with soil giving a healthier and more disease resistant soil. Restores a healthy balance of bacteria vs anaerobic bacteria and controls the spread of harmful viruses.
So for anyone who has, or does use this it would be greatly appreciated if you could share your experience whether positive or negative as I'm curious whether its worth using.


Well-Known Member
Never herd of it. I am curious as to how well it works. I am in the middle of trying to fix a calcium problem with my plants. I wonder if that would have helped?

Dr G.Thumb

Well-Known Member
Never herd of it. I am curious as to how well it works. I am in the middle of trying to fix a calcium problem with my plants. I wonder if that would have helped?
Not sure about that but I do know Dolomite Lime would cure your problem. Its a mix of ca/mg which is ph neutral so by mixing it with the soil prior to planting etc you can maintain a steady/even dose of ca and mg while keeping the ph neutral. Some soil mixes come with it already pre-mixed or you can add it yourself.

I'm curious if the added/slow oxygen release over time from the calcium peroxide increases growth or yield as the roots can breath better over time ? But I'm curious how well it works vs say getting the maximum amount of oxygen into the water prior to watering via a bubbler etc...