Calcium or PH?


I'm having issues at the worst time. I have already added some calmag to the mix and I'm PH'ing using some PH paper which isn't the best I know.

It's grown in soil and I'm feeding it a 3 part nute regimen with bud booster.

I had flushed them and then delivered nutes with calmag 2 waters ago yet they still seem as if they're going downhill.

Can anyone let me know if they've seen this issue before?

Many thanks.

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Well-Known Member
A little more plant history would help. What is your water source and how long have you been giving cal/mag? How often are you feeding and at what ppm? Did you have a heat issue a few weeks back?


no heat issues, I have been feeding it a 3 part from general hydroponics, I am feeding it every time it's out of water at 1250-1400 PPM. I have given it cal/mag twice. It is city tap water that is left to get rid of chlorine for at least 48 hours before feeding..


Active Member
Are u checking PH and PPM's before u add ur nutes. Most tap water already has a PPM of a couple hundred even after being de-chorinated.


Well-Known Member
I'd keep her on a more steady diet of cal/mag. The calcium in city water is in a form that is difficult for the plant to take up. The lower leaves look more like a bug issue so I would check them carefully top and bottom and see if you see anything.


I'll check for bugs asap, I have been pretty clean with the environment so I hope for sure that's not the issue.

Midnight, yes, I check the PPM before and after. The PPM in the water where I am isn't that bad, it's only around 140.