Calcium deficiency

Chronic Indica

Active Member
I flushed my soil last night, read that i can foliar feed the plant with water and a tablespoon or two of dolomite lime (planning on doing this tonight after lights shut off). My question is how long do you think it will take to heal up? thanks in advance. bongsmilie

Looks like this:


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Usually takes about a week to notice a difference. But u could see a difference within a day or two

The leaves with damage like that will not heal up, I would chop them off


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Chronic Indica

Active Member
Usually takes about a week to notice a difference. But u could see a difference within a day or two

The leaves with damage like that will not heal up, I would chop them off
Do you have any idea when i can start feeding with nutes? the last three times was watered with plain water.


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How olds the plant?

Usually wait atleast a few weeks before giving nutes. Start wiht 1/4 strength too. Check the ph too and if ur usin tap water let it sit out for a day.


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If ur plants already flowering then shoulldntt u have been using nutes already?

U got me confused.

I wouldn't use foliar spray any further then 6 weeks into flower.

Chronic Indica

Active Member
yes i have been using nutes but stopped when i saw the cal def. Ill probably start using nutes again in 5 or 6 days. As far is the lime i dont know if its even water absorbant so imma hold back on the foliar feeding. thanks for all the info tho man, i appreciate it.


yo you got what i got. im getting some botanicare cal/mag and like you i stopped on the fertz since at first i didnt know what was up. it could be your ph so make sure to test it cuz i know either higher or lower than wanted can lock out these nutrients. my issue was my ph was fine in the feeding water but once mixed with soil the soil still dropped it and possibly prevent lockout. now im working on getting my ph up