calcinized clay in media to raise CEC?


Active Member
ok, so calcinized clay has a super high CEC, but it also has a high pH (usually).

instead of using dolemite lime (or as much), i suggest that someone tries some calcinized clay. i would, but im broke!

Cation exchange capacity (CEC)
The CEC is a measure of the plant available nutrient exchange capacity. The CEC varies between different types of media. A higher CEC is desirable as this means there will be a more even nutrient supply to the roots and less nutrients will be lost through over-watering. Increasing the surface area of the mix, eg. by composting will increase the CEC.


Well-Known Member
High CEC is good, however, once you get above 100 you encounter problems. It's all about balance, if the cation exchange is through the roof then your soil will have very poor aeration and drainage.

This is b/c all of the microbiology will make up clusters, when there are too many you can see how this will happen.


Active Member
trip out though, dude.... the calcinized clay is baked into hard pieces ofpottery, basically.

i can see a soil with natural clay and a CEC above 100 being a problem, but i dont know if a potting soil amended with calcinized clay would be different.